The disease is characterized by a rather sharp current, during which often heart flaws are formed. Among other manifestations of rheumatic fever, EC is one of the main places
The disease is characterized by a rather sharp current, during which often heart flaws are formed. Among other manifestations of rheumatic fever, EC is one of the main places.
The pathological process can proceed differently, but most often the following forms of rheumatic EC are distinguished:
Kasallik juda o'tkir oqim bilan ifodalanadi, bu vaqtda yurak etishmovchiligi ko'pincha hosil bo'ladi. Revmatik isitma boshqa namoyishlar orasida, EC asosiy joylardan biri hisoblanadi.
Patologik jarayon turli xil tarzda davom etishi mumkin, ammo ko'pincha revmatik AKning quyidagi shakllari ajratiladi:
Diffuse - valve flaps swell a little, but do not change.
Acute polyposis (wart) - the defeat affects the deeper layers of the endocardium, resulting in the upper layer being partly ruptured and retaining fibrin, platelets, and the like.
Return-polypositive - besides the formation of "warts" on the valves, calcium salts are deposited on them, which leads to even more disturbance of their function.
Fibroplastic - has the most unfavorable flow, as it leads to irreversible changes and severe consequences.
Diffüz valf flapları bir oz shishadi, lekin o'zgarmaydi.
O'tkir polipoz (zardob) - mag'lubiyat endokardning chuqur qatlamlarini ta'sir qiladi, natijada yuqori qatlam qisman yorilib, fibrin, trombotsit va shunga o'xshashlarni saqlaydi.
Qaytib-polipozitiv - valentlarda "siğil" hosil bo'lishidan tashqari, kaltsiy tuzlari ular ustida biriktiriladi, bu ularning funktsiyalarini yanada ko'proq buzishiga olib keladi.
Fibroplastik - eng noqulay oqimga ega, chunki bu o'zgarmas o'zgarishlar va og'ir oqibatlarga olib keladi.