At younger age, infectious endocarditis, which may occur primarily and secondary, is most often determined. The first leads to inflammation of the mitral and aortic valves, and the second - to the direct destruction of the inner lining of the heart.
The disease manifests itself in the same way as in adults, only the current passes more actively, because of which often there are serious complications of type of heart failure, liver, kidney .
The disease should be treated in a timely manner. Even better, when prophylaxis of endocarditis in children is carried out.
Yoshligida asosan va ikkilamchi bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan yuqumli endokardit ko'pincha aniqlanadi. Birinchisi mitral va aortik klapanlarning yallig'lanishiga olib keladi, ikkinchisi - yurak ichki qoplamini bevosita buzilishiga olib keladi.
Kasallik kattalardagidek o'zini namoyon qiladi, faqatgina oqim tezda faolroq o'tadi, bu tufayli yurak yetishmovchiligi, jigar, buyrakning jiddiy asoratlari mavjud.
Kasallik o'z vaqtida davolash kerak. Bolalarda endokarditning profilaktikasi amalga oshirilganda ham yaxshi bo'ladi.