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A deployed clinic may include the following symptoms

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A deployed clinic may include the following symptoms:

  • Intoxication of the body, which is mainly expressed by weakness, lack of appetite, pain in the head and joints.
  • Skin covers change, become pale or with a yellowish tinge, small hemorrhages may appear on different parts of the body (trunk, legs, hands, mucous membranes).

O'rnatilgan klinikada quyidagi belgilar bo'lishi mumkin:
  • Zaiflik, ishtahaning etishmovchiligi, bosh va og'riyotgan og'riqlar bilan ifodalanadigan tananing zaharlanishi.
  • Teri qoplamining o'zgarishi, nafas olish yoki sarg'ish tusli bo'lsa, tananing turli qismlarida (trunk, oyoqlar, qo'llar, shilliq pardalar) kichik qon ketishlar paydo bo'lishi mumkin.
  • Disruption of the central nervous system can be expressed in psychoses, thromboembolism of the vessels of the brain, meningoencephalitis.
  • Lymph nodes (especially the cervical and axillary) increase.
  • A feeling of discomfort is often determined in the chest cavity, with a projection on the heart.
  • With complications of EC heart failure, shortness of breath arises, edema appears, pain in the heart.
  • Markaziy asab tizimining buzilishi psixozlarda, miya tomirlarida tromboembolizmda, meningoansifalitda ifodalangan bo'lishi mumkin.
  • Lenf nodlari (ayniqsa, bachadon va aksiller) oshadi.
  • Noqulaylik hissi ko'pincha ko'krak qafasida aniqlanadi, yurakdagi proektsiyalash.
  • EK yurak etishmovchiligining asoratlari bilan nafas qisilishi paydo bo'ladi, shish paydo bo'ladi, yurakda og'riq paydo bo'ladi.
  • The long course of the disease contributes to the disruption of metabolism in the body, due to which the symptom of "drum sticks" is determined. This is when the distal phalanges of the fingers thicken. There may also be a symptom of watch glasses, when the nails on the fingers are rounded off.

Kasallikning uzoq davom etishi organizmdagi metabolizmning buzilishiga olib keladi, buning natijasida "baraban tayoqchalari" belgilari aniqlanadi. Bunda barmoqlarning distal tuxumlari qalinlashadi. Barmoqlar ustidagi mixlar yumaloq bo'lganda, soat stakanining alomati ham bo'lishi mumkin.
  • The severity of the clinic largely depends on the activity of the immune system, as well as the severity of the pathological process. Also, each form of endocarditis has its own distinctive features. For example, in the bacterial EC of the clinic is often severe, in various organs there are abscesses, the septic state is supplemented by the strong destruction of the valves. At the same time, for fibro-plastic EC there are no signs of a pronounced infectious process.

Klinikaning zo'ravonligi asosan immunitet tizimining faolligiga, shuningdek, patologik jarayonning og'irligiga bog'liq. Bundan tashqari, endokarditning har bir turi o'ziga xos xususiyatlarga ega. Masalan, klinikaning bakterial EKda odatda og'ir bo'ladi, turli organlarda xo'ppozlar mavjud, septik holat klapanlarni kuchli tarzda yo'q qilish bilan to'ldiriladi. Shu bilan birga, fibro-plastik EK uchun aniq yuqumli jarayonning belgilari yo'q.

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