Treatment - Endocarditis therapy can be prescribed as efficiently as possible if correct diagnosis is used and a reliable form of the disease is established.
- There are several tactics for treating EC:
- Use of antibacterial drugs.
- Conducting symptomatic treatment.
- Execution of immunocorrection.
- Surgical treatment.
- Agar to'g'ri tashxis qo'yish va kasallikning ishonchli shakli aniqlangan bo'lsa, endokardit terapiyasini iloji boricha samarali tarzda buyurish mumkin.
- ECni davolash uchun bir necha taktikalar mavjud:
- Antibakterial preparatlarni qo'llash.
- Semptomatik davolanish.
- Immunokoraktsiyani amalga oshirish.
- Jarrohlik davolash.
- Antibacterial treatment - is carried out with the aim of eliminating the infection in the body. For this purpose, an antibiotic is administered intravenously, and, with its low efficiency, a scheme for the use of combinations of antibacterial drugs is made. Accept them, as a rule, long, about 3-4 weeks.
- Before prescribing an antibiotic, it is necessary to check the sensitivity of the microflora to it, separated by the sowing of the patient's blood. Depending on the pathogen, the following antibacterial agents are used:
- Antibakterial davo - tanadagi infektsiyani bartaraf qilish maqsadida olib boriladi. Buning uchun antibiotiklar tomir ichiga yuboriladi va samaradorligi pastligi bilan antibakterial dori vositalarining kombinatsiyasidan foydalanish sxemasi ishlab chiqiladi. Qabul qilib, ularni 3-4 hafta davomida qabul qiling.
- Antibakterial preparatni qo'llashdan avval, bemorning qonini ekish bilan ajratilgan mikrofloraning sezuvchanligini tekshirish kerak. Patogenga qarab quyidagi antibakterial vositalar qo'llaniladi:
- Endocarditis caused by a greenish streptococcus is treated with benzylpenicillin.
- In the presence of enterococci, benzylphenillin is combined with gentamicin or amikacin.
- Staphylococcal endocarditis is treated with semi-synthetic penicillins, which in severe cases combines with aminoglycosides or cephalosporins.
- Fungal endocarditis is poorly suited for therapy, which is usually based on amphotericin B.
- Two weeks later, the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy is assessed and, if necessary, the drugs are replaced by others.
Yashil streptokokkadan kelib chiqqan endokarditda benzilpenitsillin bilan davolash qilinadi.
Enterokokklar ishtirokida benzilfenillin gentamisin yoki amikasin bilan birlashtiriladi.
Stafilokokkal endokardit yarim sintetik penitsillinlar bilan davolanadi, bu og'ir holatlarda aminoglikozidlar yoki tsefalosporinlar bilan birikadi.
Fungal endokardit, odatda, amfoterisin B ga asoslangan terapiya uchun yomon mos keladi.
Ikki hafta o'tgach, antibiotik terapiyasining samaradorligi baholanadi va kerak bo'lganda preparatlar boshqalar bilan almashtiriladi.
- Symptomatic treatment consists in the implementation of detoxification, the use of cardiac glycosides, thrombolytic drugs. Sometimes they are prescribed corticosteroids, mainly with a pronounced allergic reaction.
Semptomatik davolash detoksifikatsiyani, yurak glikozidlarini, trombolitik preparatlarni qo'llashdan iborat. Ba'zida ular kortikosteroidlar, asosan aniq allergik reaktsiya bilan buyuriladi.
- Immunocorrection involves the use of anti-toxic serum, which performs the tasks of passive immunization. A good neutralizing effect from bacterial circulating bacterial toxins results in the administration of human immunoglobulin or hyperimmune plasma.
- Surgical therapy is used in the extreme case when conservative treatment does not help. It is based on the removal of damaged parts of the valve apparatus and the installation of artificial valves, which can be biological or mechanical.
- Immunokorrektsiya passiv immunizatsiya vazifalarini bajaradigan antioksidlovchi sarumdan foydalanishni o'z ichiga oladi. Bakterial aylanayotgan bakterial toksinlardan yaxshi neytrallashtiruvchi ta'sir inson immunoglobulin yoki giperimmun plazmadagi administratsiyaga olib keladi.
- Konservativ davo yordam bermasa, jarrohlik terapiyasi juda og'ir hollarda qo'llaniladi. Ushbu vana apparatining shikastlangan qismlarini olib tashlash va biologik yoki mexanik bo'lishi mumkin bo'lgan sun'iy qopqoqlarni o'rnatishga asoslanadi.
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