Vol. , Issu e f e b ru a ry 1 Im p a c t f actor: sjif 0 1 = 492

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The Project Method is a method aimed at enhancing the learning process, taking into accounts 
the individual needs and individual qualities o f students. The purpose o f the project method in 
education is a specific transition from personal development, self-development, revealing his 
intellectual and creative potential, and the possibility o f organizing project activities in the 
training o f future histoiy teachers. Forms and methods may include: performing small groups or 
individual projects during planned laboratory work; combining teaching material on specific 
topics in the form of a final assignment in the form o f a creative assignment or project 
(performing tests, writing or teaching theses on historical works and histoiy).
The Delphi Method allows a group o f researchers to achieve maximum consensus in their 
search for the right solution through surveys, interviews, brainstorming, and the like. This 
method excludes the possibility o f open collisions between carriers o f conflicting views, as direct
ACADEMICIA: An In te rn a tio n a l M u ltid iscip lin ary R esearch Jo u rn al
h ttp s ://s a a r j.c o m

ISSN: 2 2 4 9 -7 1 3 7
Vol. 11, Issu e 2. F e b ru a ry 2 0 2 1
Im p a c t F actor: SJIF 20 2 1 = 7.492
communication between experts is not possible. It can be used to conduct scientific-practical 
Internet conferences or discuss issues in relevant forums.
Game techniques that can be used during lessons o f any form can be used [1 p. 15]. For example, 
solving or composing crossword puzzles, rebuses, and historical charades in practical and 
seminar classes on histoiy, especially for students; computer drawing selections; may conduct 
quizzes on specific topics.
Let's look at some examples o f assignments that future histoiy teachers should use in higher 
education. For example, on a computer, you can suggest the following tasks: the screen will 
show students some o f the historical information on the topic being studied. He asks them to 
determine what the topic is for. Or it may have to find errors that are deliberately entered in 
certain information.
Thus, at this stage, there are different ways to develop the creativity of future teachers, including 
histoiy teachers.
In the formation o f an individual method o f pedagogical activity, each teacher of higher 
education can choose for him self any heuristic forms and methods o f teaching students. At the 
same time, it is important to ensure that the results of their application have a positive impact on 
the development o f creativity o f future history teachers.
1. №2 (13). C. 233. (Ovcharov S.M. Andragogical principles of the development of creativity 
o f histoiy teachers in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education // Vector o f Science 
TSU. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2013. No. 2 (13). P. 233.)

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