Vol. , Issu e f e b ru a ry 1 Im p a c t f actor: sjif 0 1 = 492

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By the creativity o f a history teacher, we understand the holistic quality o f the pedagogical tasks 
that arise in the educational process, which determines the teacher's ability to create unique, 
unique, innovative ideas for different solutions. This is characterized by the teacher’s timely 
vision o f the pedagogical problem, the development o f creative ways to solve it and acting in a 
unique way, rather than on a specific template [1, p. 233].
One o f the main conditions for the development of creative thinking o f future histoiy teachers is 
to focus the learning process on the personality o f the student, taking into account his personal 
characteristics, inclinations and aspirations. That is, professional pedagogical education for 
students involves the use o f various approaches to creative teaching, primarily focused on the 
individual qualities o f the individual.
The formation o f the creative potential o f future teachers in higher education institutions is 
facilitated by the introduction o f noil-traditional forms and methods o f teaching, iimovative 
pedagogical technologies, the organization o f various psychological and pedagogical classes. It 
organizes professional and pedagogical tasks, active participation in scientific conferences, 
competitions, discussions on the problems o f higher education and other educational and 
scientific-methodological activities. In this way, conditions are created for the professional 
development, self-affirmation and self-expression of the teacher's personality.
First o f all, let's describe the creative qualities o f future teachers, including the psychological and 
pedagogical conditions that encourage the development o f creativity in the field of methods o f 
teaching history in pedagogical universities. For example, E.P. Torrens identified the following 
conditions that contribute to the development o f creative thinking and creativity o f the 
individual: the presence o f creative abilities and creative motivation [2, p. 307]. However, if
these three factors coincide, a high level of creative ability can be demonstrated.
1) Incomplete cases that are clearly defined and differ from strict control;
2) Creation and development of strategies and tools for future activities;
3) Promotion o f responsibility and independence;
4) Generalizations of independent developments, attention to observations.
In the process o f forming creative thinking in future teachers, the use of problem-based learning 
technologies in the formation and solution o f educational, scientific and professional pedagogical 
problems is important. Therefore, it is necessary to subordinate all organizational forms and 
methods o f teaching in modem higher education institutions to the development o f creative 
thinking of future histoiy teachers: lectures, practical and seminars, independent and individual 
work. It is well known that problem-solving stimulates students ’interest in the issues being 
studied, encourages activism and independence in the search for additional information. At the 
same time, in the process o f solving the problems proposed by the teacher, they gain additional
ACADEMICIA: An In te rn a tio n a l M u ltid iscip lin ary R esearch Jo u rn al
h ttp s ://s a a r j.c o m

ISSN: 2 2 4 9 -7 1 3 7
Vol. 11, Issu e 2. F e b ru a ry 2 0 2 1
Im p a c t F actor: SJIF 20 2 1 = 7.492
knowledge independently. Problem-based lectures include: lecture-dialogue, lecture-discussion, 
lecture-discussion, and more.
Problem-based workshops and seminars can take many forms, for example: in the form of 
discussions on individual issues o f the topic; in the form of discussion, debate (requiring 
independent study o f additional study material); in the form o f the defense of theses that activate 
the attention o f all students and contribute to the development o f evidence-based thinking; in the 
form o f solving professional and pedagogical problems that develop the skills of future teachers 
to apply theoretical knowledge in practice; in the form of business games, which are an active 
way o f training professionals, as they involve the use o f certain forms o f research, teaching and 
Practical training, which is an integral part of the professional training o f future histoiy teachers, 
should be organized on a project basis. Project topics aimed at solving current problems related 
to the modernization o f teaching methods and the organization o f innovative education and the 
organization o f innovative education, scientific and practical research are studied by students in 
small groups or individually. This form of practical work of future histoiy teachers is, in our 
opinion, the most acceptable and useful, as a student or a small group can defend their project 
work through appropriate presentation and answer various questions.
Thus, the process of formation o f creative thinking o f future history teachers, including in the 
teaching o f history, depends on the purposeful interaction, cooperation between teachers and 
students, the necessaiy forms o f organization of the educational process, and special organization 
using the methods, it is possible to distinguish some groups of methods that contribute to the 
formation o f students' professional creative thinking [5, p. 174], they are classified as follows:
1. on the methods o f organization o f educational activities:
Structural and logical methods, characterized by the gradual organization o f the definition o f 
didactic tasks, the choice o f methods for their solution, diagnostics and evaluation of the results 
obtained; training methods aimed at developing specific algorithms of learning-cognitive 
movements and solving common problems during the lessons (these can be tests and practical 
tasks, it is advisable to add creative elements to their structure); game modes characterized by the 
interaction o f the subjects of the educational process (if educational tasks are included in the 
structure of the game), etc.
2. in the formative direction, respectively:
a) Ways to develop the experience o f creative activity:
Methods o f using complicating conditions, namely: time-limiting method, sudden blocking 
method, new options method, lack o f information method, denial method; methods o f group 
solution o f creative tasks: Delphi method, "black box" method, daily method; methods o f 
stimulating collective creative research: mental attack, synectics, and other methods.
b) methods o f emotional influence that contribute to the formation of experience and create a 
positive attitude through the experience o f their professional, creative and educational activities: 
emotional response to it, motivation, educational and emotional play, the state o f success 
creation, free choice o f creative tasks, motivation to choose alternative solutions.
ACADEMICIA: An In te rn a tio n a l M u ltid iscip lin ary R esearch Jo u rn al
h ttp s ://s a a r j.c o m

ISSN: 2 2 4 9 -7 1 3 7
Vol. 11, Issu e 2. F e b ru a ry 2 0 2 1
Im p a c t F actor: SJIF 20 2 1 = 7.492
O f course, there are many other approaches to the classification of methods that help to develop 
professional-creative thinking and creativity in future teachers. However, there are also factors 
that negatively affect the expression o f creative thinking in future histoiy teachers. S.D. Smirnov 
[5, p. 87], this includes: time limit; or increased anxiety; strong or weak motivation to leam; 
striving to find a solution quickly, which usually leads to a decrease in the quality o f assignments 
by shortening the time to complete it; a method o f formulating task conditions that trigger an 
incorrect solution method; lack of confidence in their abilities due to previous failures and the 
causes o f others.
Well-known creative researcher G.Ouch calls the factors that hinder creative thinking “mental 
locks,” that is, a strong attitude of the mind that prevents a creative approach to solving life and 
professional situations. According to him [6, p. 141], which include: self-doubt; fear o f looking 
worse than others; the habit of evaluating all life and educational situations from a logical point 
of view; striving to be practical at all times; the habit o f following generally accepted rules
marking only one correct answer; tendency to avoid uncertainty; subconscious thinking that it is 
impossible to make mistakes in general and in others.
We support the views of researchers who believe that heuristic teaching methods should be 
widely used in the training of future teachers [5, 6], which actively encourages the development 
of creativity in students and shapes their creative qualities.
In our opinion, let's analyze the basics o f methods that would be appropriate to use in the training 
o f future history teachers in higher education. For example, the “Agglutination” method is 
designed to develop students' ability to combine the qualities, properties, or parts o f things that 
do not fit in the real world, such as hot snow, volume gaps, sweet salt, black light, and so on. The 
use o f this methodology will help future teachers develop the ability to advance imagination, 
imagination, bold ideas and assumptions. It is advisable to use this method during active lectures 
and practical (seminar) classes on history and its teaching methods.
Its main function o f the brainstorming method is to collect the most ideas from the participants. 
This is an operational way o f solving group problems, and its participants are encouraged to be 
creative and to express as many options for solving it as possible. After that, the most successful 
ones that can be used in practice are selected from the total number o f opinions expressed. It is 
expedient and useful to use this methodology in practical work on history in small groups, when 
each student has the opportunity to advance their idea to solve the problem, it is possible to 
create an algorithm and implement its software.

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