The power to readily collect and analyze farmland data is one of many reasons why geographic information systems
EOSDA Crop Monitoring Using satellite monitoring for remote fields management in one platform!
TRY NOW! EOSDA Crop Monitoring As An Example Of Agriculture GIS Software It should be noted that GIS software in agriculture might vary depending on its purpose. Some tools indicate crop types, yields, and distributions. Some visualize soil moisture levels to help users decide what to plant. Some other software helps to compare the economic costs and benefits of forestry vs. logging. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each farmer or agriculture manager to find a GIS solution that provides data for them to make informed farmland decisions.
When it comes to field data, the EOSDA Crop Monitoring digital agriculture platform has you covered in many ways. Historical vegetation and weather data, a summary of the dynamics of the vegetation indices and the soil moisture index, and accurate 14-day weather forecasts are available here. In addition to providing access to GIS-based agriculture data, the platform includes capabilities such as:
scouting, which improves task management and allows scouts to create and send reports to owners in real time;
field activity log for planning, coordinating, and monitoring all field operations.
Having all of these options in one place boosts agricultural businesses and organizations that engage with them.
EOSDA Crop Monitoring also combines data from other sources. For instance, the Data Manager tool in EOSDA Crop Monitoring integrates machinery data into the platform. The system is compatible with SHP and ISO-XML, the two most common file types. A data set may include more than one metric. Based on data from field machines, you can assess the crop’s yield, compare it to fertilizer maps, draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the fertilizer strategy, and develop yield-boosting strategies.
Fertilizer application assessment based on data from field equipment, processed with EOSDA Crop Monitoring.
GIS technology is essential for modern farming businesses. It’s time to figure out how to leverage GIS-based software, particularly EOSDA Crop Monitoring, in agricultural settings.