When was Mrs Smith very busy ? Two weeks before Christmas

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It was two weeks before Christmas, and Mrs Smith was very busy. She bought a lot of Christmas cards to send to her friends and to her husband's friends, and put them on the table in the living-room. Then, when her husband came home from work, she said to him, 'Here are the Christmas cards for our friends, and here are some stamps, a pen and our book of addresses. Will you please write the cards while I am cooking the dinner?' Mr Smith did not say anything, but walked out of the living-room and went to his study. Mrs Smith was very angry with him, but did not say anything either. Then a minute later he came back with a box full of Christmas cards. All of them had addresses and stamps on them. 'These are from last year,' he said. 'I forgot to post them.'

When was Mrs Smith very busy ? - Two weeks before Christmas

What did she do ? - She bought a lot of Christmas cards

Why did she buy the cards ? - To send to her friends and to her

husband’s friends

Where did she put them ? - On the table in the living room

What did she say to her husband ? - “Here are the Christmas cards for our

friends, and here are some stamps, a pen

and our book of addresses.Will you please

write the cards while I am cooking the dinner”

What did Mr Smith say ? - He said nothing

What did he do ? - Walked out of the living room and went to his


How did Mrs Smith feel ? - She was angry with him

What did she say ? - She didn’t say anything

What did Mr Smith do a minute later ? – He came back with a box of full

Christmas cards, all of them had

addresses and stamps on them

What did he say ? - He said “ These are from last year, I forgot to post them”
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