Graphical abbreviations are the result of shortening of words and word-groups only in written speech while orally the corresponding full forms are used. They are used for the economy of space and effort in writing. The oldest group of graphical abbreviations in English is of Latin origin [9].
There are also graphical abbreviations of native origin, where in the spelling we have abbreviations of words and word-groups of the corresponding English equivalents in the full form:
a) days of the week, e.g. Mon - Monday, Tue - Tuesday etc
b) names of months, e.g. Apr - April, Aug - August etc.
c) names of counties in UK, e.g. Yorks - Yorkshire, Berks -Berkshire etc
d) names of states in USA, e.g. Ala - Alabama, Alas - Alaska etc.
e) names of address, e.g. Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr. etc.
f) military ranks, e.g. capt. -captain, col. - colonel, sgt - sergeant etc.
g) scientific degrees, e.g. B.A. - Bachelor of Arts, D.M. - Doctor of Medicine .
h) units of time, length, weight, e.g. f. / ft -foot/feet, sec. - second, in. –inch.
1.Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition, Springfield, Mass., 1949. P. 98
2. Jespersen, O. A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles. Copenhagen, 1942, Part VI; Marchand, H. The Categories and Types of Present - day English Word - Formation. Wiesbaden, 1960 ва б. P. 162-163.
3. Barxudarov L.C., D.A. Shteling Grammatika angliyskogo yazika.-M.:,1973
4. Smirnitsky A.I. Lexicology of the English language. Moscow, 2014 . p.99
5. Haskina E.M. Productive ways of word formation in modern English. Foreign languages at school. 2015 ; 6:
6. Haspelmath, M. Morphology. London: MacMillan Press LTD.2003 p.56-60
7. Katamba, F. English words. London: Ruotledge.2005 p.36-50
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