Working and stydying at University at the same time
ResearchQuestion2:Whatarethepositiveandnegativeeffectsofworkingwhilestudying? The second research question looked at positive and negative effects of working while studying. The findings showed that the participants have happy feeling and good time management. Additionally, they become more responsible and improved their personal life. Three interview questions below show the responses from the participants.
When they were asked how do they feel when they are working while studying, they explicated:
“I am very happy and enjoy what I do. The experience can help me to get new ideas if I have problem, how to solve it, so it can enrich my problem-solving skills.”
“I can manage my time and appreciate it efficiently and effectively. It is important to manage time when I study and when I work.”
The participants were also asked the positive impacts of working while studying and they stated:
“The positive impact is I can manage my time wisely. I can have more chance to get new ideas in order to enrich my knowledge.”
“Mainly I am getting experiences from outside the class, how the world works and how to be responsible to ourselves.”
The participants were also asked about how they manage their time in working while studying. They replied:
“I try to balance my working hours and study times. How much time I spend for working, I try to manage my study as well even though I cannot do it fully because I have to do other things.”
“I try to manage my time efficiently by determining when the time I can study and when I can work.”