Working Toward Rational and Evidence-Based Treatment
of Chronic Subdural Hematoma
Thomas Santarius, MD, PhD, Peter J. Kirkpatrick, FRCS (SN), FMedSci,
Angelos G. Kolias, MSc, MRCS, and Peter J. Hutchinson, FRCS (SN), PhD
Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is one of the most common neurosurgical conditions that can usually be treated with
relatively simple and effective surgical procedures. It affects primarily the elderly, a rising population worldwide. Together with
improved awareness among the medical profession and greater access to modern imaging facilities, the incidence of CSDH is set
to rise significantly. Maximization of the efficiency of management of CSDH is therefore a priority. To this end, a review of the
findings of clinical and laboratory research underpinning the basis of the modern management of CSDH has been carried out.
This review focuses on the pathophysiology and briefly discusses the epidemiology, clinical presentation, and surgical treatments
of CSDH, concluding that a one-for-all management strategy is not appropriate. Creating rational bases for the selection of an
ideal treatment strategy for an individual patient should be the target. This can be achieved through better understanding of the
nature of the condition through systematic basic science research, ascertaining the merits of different surgical techniques in well-
designed and rigorously executed clinical trials, using advances in imaging techniques to classify CSDH (a subject not addressed
here), and training in and ongoing refinement of clinical acumen and surgical skills of individual surgeons.
hronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is one of the most
common neurosurgical conditions that can usually be
treated with relatively simple and effective surgical proce-
dures. However, its management is not always straightforward.
The preferred surgical method continues to attract debate, and
the time for an evidence-based approach is now overdue.
CSDHs affect primarily the elderly. According to the
2001 Report of the US Census Bureau, the proportion of people
$ 65 years of age is expected to double worldwide between
2000 and 2030.
A corresponding rise in the incidence of CSDH
is expected, particularly with a more active aging population.
Improved awareness among the medical profession, together
with greater access to modern imaging facilities, has improved
the detection of CSDH; hence, the neurosurgical burden from
CSDH is set to increase significantly.
Here, we review the findings and highlight the targets of
clinical and laboratory research that underpin the basis of the
modern management of CSDH. We focus on the pathophys-
iology and briefly discuss surgical treatments (the latter was
comprehensively reviewed by Weigel et al
). The epidemiology
and clinical presentation of CSDH are also included because
they are important for understanding the nature of CSDH.
CSDHs are found between the dura mater and the
arachnoid. Under normal conditions, however, a space or cavity
does not exist at the junction between the dura and the
arachnoid. Instead, a layer of cells with unique morphological
features and a propensity to shear open is found at this point
(Figure 1).
This layer is called the dural border cell (DBC)
It is characterized by a relative paucity of tight junctions
and enlarged extracellular space containing nonfilamentous,
amorphous material. This layer therefore lacks strength and can
easily be dissected, for example, by a surgeon during the
elevation of dura or blood from shearing of a vein traversing the
DBC layer.
The veins are anchored firmly within the arachnoid
and the dural layers but less so within the DBC layer. With
increasing brain atrophy, the arachnoid is pulled toward the
center, whereas the dura remains attached to the skull. The
resultant force stretches the DBC layer and veins traversing
through it. Only a minor additional force may be required to
cause shearing of a vein and leakage of blood that will further
dissect the DBC layer, creating a subdural cavity. Indeed, this
has been observed in experimental models.
Similarly, a trau-
matic tear of the arachnoid can cause a hygroma, which can
later transform into a CSDH (see more below).
Although it is likely that CSDHs were treated by ancient
civilizations in many parts of the world,
the first medical
description of CSDH is probably that of Johannes Wepfer
Ó 2010 by The Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Clinical Neurosurgery
Volume 57, 2010
his Observationes Anatomicae published in 1675. Uncertain
of its nature, Wepfer described the fluid found in one of his
postmortem cases as ‘‘serum.’’ In his 1857 article ‘‘Das
Ha¨matom der Dura mater,’’ Virchov called CSDH pachyme-
ningitis haemorrhagica interna, recognizing both its in-
flammatory and hemorrhagic elements.
In 1914, Trotter
suggested the role of trauma to the
bridging veins in the pathogenesis of the subdural hemorrhagic
cyst, and Yamashima and Friede
later demonstrated, using
electron microscopic data, that human bridging veins have thin
walls of variable thickness, circumferential arrangement of
collagen fibers, and a lack of outer reinforcement by arachnoid
trabecules, all likely contributory factors to the subdural portion
of the vein being more fragile than its subarachnoid portion.
Today, it is widely accepted that CSDHs are a result of the
failure of acute subdural hematomas to heal. Indeed, trans-
formation of acute subdural hematoma is observed by neuro-
surgeons in daily practice, and it has been documented in patients
followed up with serial computed tomography.
However, in
some cases, CSDH seems to have developed from an initial
subdural hygroma.
Some authors maintain that, in fact, the
majority of CSDHs develop from subdural hygromas rather than
acute subdural hematomas.
Park et al
studied 145 cases of
post-traumatic subdural hygroma of whom 13 developed into
CSDH. The proportion of CSDHs arising from hygromas was
even higher (6 out of 24) in a series by Yamada et al.
et al
found b-trace protein in subdural fluid in 90% of CSDHs,
and b-trace protein was predictive of recurrence. It is possible
that leakage of cerebrospinal fluid into the CSDH, at least in
some cases, may play a role in hematoma growth.
Both blood and cerebrospinal fluid are likely to shear
open the DBC layer and create a subdural collection. It is
possible that hemorrhage from a blood vessel traversing the
DBC occurs even in the case of hygroma as the primary
FIGURE 1. Schematic represen-
tation of the ultrastructure of the
meninges (adapted from Haines
et al
) The dura mater is com-
posed of fibroblasts and a large
amount of collagen. The arach-
noid barrier cells are supported
by a basement membrane and
bound together by numerous
tight junctions (red diamonds).
The dural border cell layer (light
blue) is formed by flattened
fibroblasts with no tight junc-
tions and no intercellular colla-
gen. It is therefore a relatively
loose layer positioned between
the firm dura matter and arach-
noid. The subdural space is
a potential space that can form
within the dural border cell layer.
FIGURE 2. Age distribution of chronic subdural hematoma of
the cohort of patients published by Santarius et al.
2010 The Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Clinical Neurosurgery
Volume 57, 2010
Chronic Subdural Haematoma-Review
pathology. As in other tissue injuries, this triggers a complex
reparatory response that aims to heal the tissues. Whatever
the primary insult, it triggers an early inflammatory reaction
characterized by proliferation of the DBCs, formation of
granulation tissue with collagen fibers, and deposition of
New blood vessels form that supply
cellular and noncellular components necessary for tissue
remodeling and final healing. It is likely that such a process is
successfully completed in many cases, especially in young and
healthy patients with nonatrophic brain.
However, in
a proportion of cases, the repair process fails to achieve
healing, and CSDH ensues.
The CSDH consists of a subdural fluid surrounded by
a membrane arising within the DBC layer.
Its visceral part
is adjacent to the arachnoid and is relatively thin and
The parietal membrane is composed of
multilayered tiers and clusters of cells derived from the
DBCs, transfixed by multiple capillaries, with collagen fibrils
and elastic fibers between them (Capillaries and collagen
fibrils are absent from the normal DBC layer).
What causes CSDH hematoma to enlarge? All surgeons
have observed a great variety of subdural fluid types, ranging
from bright red liquid through to thick engine oil to light, serous
fluid. Similarly, some CSDHs contain a very think parietal
membrane, whereas in others the membrane is hardly visible
with a naked eye. Therefore, it is likely that multiple factors are
responsible for the maintenance and enlargement of CSDH, the
relative importance of which varies from case to case.
In 1925, Putnam and Cushing
proposed rebleeding
from thin-walled sinusoidal blood vessels in the outer
neomembrane. Since then compelling evidence for repeated
hemorrhages as an important cause of for CSDH enlargement
has been accumulated. Ito et al
infused 50 CSDH patients
with 51 Cr- labeled erythrocytes and studied their concentra-
tion in a fluid obtained during craniotomy performed between
6 and 24 hours later. They estimated that the new hemorrhages
accounted on average for 6.7% of the hematoma content.
Similarly, in an experimental mouse model of CSDH, Aikawa
et al
observed fresh hemorrhages surrounded by hemosid-
erin-laden macrophages in the outer membrane. Friede and
reported that the loose and irregular de-
position of collagen and DBCs provides little mechanical
support for the sprouting new capillaries, which are fragile and
bleed easily. Yamashita et al
studied the ultrastructure of the
microcapillaries using an electron microscope. They reported
that the endothelial cells have numerous large gap junctions
(6-8 mm) and the basement membrane is either thin or absent,
rendering the capillaries fragile and susceptible to bleeding.
Moreover, erythrocytes and plasma were observed in the gap
junctions, providing direct evidence of blood leakage.
Murakami et al
identified high levels of plasma soluble
thrombomodulin in the subdural fluid, an indication of
an ongoing injury to the sinusoidal capillaries, thus
demonstrating another potential mechanism of rebleeding.
Thrombomodulin itself can inhibit coagulation by forming
a complex with thrombin and activating protein C
Under normal circumstances, capillary leaks would be
stopped with blood clots. However, subdural and the parietal
membrane are awash with profibrinolytic and anticoagulation
factors. Indeed, subdural fluid was shown to accelerate
fibrinolysis, a finding consistent with the clinical observation
of a liquid, nonclotting contents of CSDH.
High levels of
tissue plasminogen activator were measured in the subdural
fluid and parietal membrane.
This enhanced fibrinolytic
activity is further documented by the high concentration of
fibrin degradation products in both the subdural fluid and the
parietal membrane.
Moreover, Katano et al
have found
tissue plasminogen activator to be predictive of recurrence,
and Rughani et al
reported a patient with plasminogen
activator inhibitor type I deficiency whose recurrent CSDH
healed only after a course of aminocaproic acid. Relative
reduction in the concentration of the profibrinolytic agents in
the subdural fluid has frequently been used to explain the
highly effective therapeutic burr hole drainage.
In addition to coagulation factors, the role of inflamma-
tory and growth factors in CSDH has been investigated. High
concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
were found in subdural fluid and high expression of the VEGF
receptor subtype 1 (FLT1) in the cells of the parietal
Hohenstein et al
found a markedly higher
level of VEGF mRNA expression in cells floating in the
hematoma fluid compared with cells obtained from the outer
membrane. Thus, the hematoma fluid itself appears to be a
strong promoter of ongoing angiogenesis and hyperperme-
ability in CSDH rather than a mere reflection of an abnormally
high demand for healing-associated angiogenesis. VEGF is also
known to increase the permeability of capillaries and thus
contribute directly to the increase in the volume of CSDH.
Weigel et al
analyzed 310 patients, 81 of whom were
taking angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) as a treatment
for hypertension. Hypothesizing that hyperangiogenesis
plays an important role in the pathogenesis of CSDH, the
authors studied retrospectively the recurrence rate of patients
with and without concurrent treatment with ACE inhibitors,
agents that had been shown to inhibit angiogenesis.
the recurrence rate was 5% in patients taking and 18% in
those not taking ACE inhibitors (P = .003). Moreover, the
VEGF content was significantly lower (P = .012) in the
hematomas of patients taking than those not taking ACE
High concentrations of various molecules known to play
a role in inflammation such as platelet-activating factor,
interleukin-6 and -8, and bradykinins have also been found
in subdural fluid.
Because of the important role of both
inflammation and angiogenesis in CSDH, corticosteroids have
been proposed in the management of CSDH. Steroids inhibit
2010 The Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Santarius et al
Clinical Neurosurgery
Volume 57, 2010
tissue plasminogen activator activity
and interleukin-6 and -8,
and VEGF expression can be inhibited with corticosteroids.
Despite the fact that corticosteroids are used to treat CSDH,
especially if conservative management is adopted, surprisingly
few systematic studies of their role in CSDH have been
published. Glover and Labadie
have shown that cortico-
steroids inhibit the growth CSDH membrane. Although the use
of steroids in the management of CSDH has been reported.
treatment with steroids has never been compared in a meaning-
ful way with no treatment (in the case of nonoperative
management). Similarly, we are not aware of a study that
provides useful guidance about the role of steroids in surgically
treated CSDH. Thus far, the rationale for using steroids has
largely been based on theory, and clearly, more research into
their treatment of CSDH is warranted.
A once popular explanation for the maintenance and
growth of CSDH, the osmotic theory, introduced by Gardner
in 1932 and later modified by Zollinger and Gross,
was largely
abandoned after Weir’s
1971 and 1980 publications. The
osmotic theory was based on the premise that fluid is attracted
into the subdural space along the osmotic gradient created by
the breakdown of blood products of the acute hematoma.
However, Weir
compared the osmolality of the subdural
hematoma fluid, venous blood, and cerebrospinal fluid and
found no significant difference between them. Weir
found no significant difference between oncotic pressures of the
fluid from subdural hematoma and venous blood, whereas the
oncotic pressure of subdural hygroma was significantly lower.
Similarly, Markwalder et al
found that the concentration of
proteins in CSDH fluid is similar to that of blood. Recently,
Heula et al
and Sajanti and Majamaa
found very high
concentrations of the propeptides of type I and type III
protocollagens in the subdural fluid (relative to their concen-
trations in serum), suggesting sustained collagen synthesis.
These concentrations were similar to those observed in wound
fluid during the first few days after a surgical operation.
authors suggest that the increased synthesis of the components
of the extracellular matrix and their deposition in the subdural
fluid may lead to the increase in its oncotic pressure.
notion also seems to be in line with data suggesting that
exudation plays an important role in CSDH. Fujisawa et al
Tokmak et al
have observed a significant uptake of
labeled human serum albumin into the subdural fluid, thus
demonstrating that exudation takes place.
The age distribution of patients with CSDH varies
somewhat between published series, depending on the
population from which it is derived. In a series of 2300
patients from Tivandrum, India, by Sambasivan
treated between 1966 and 1996), the most frequent decade of
presentation was 41 to 50 years. Similar to most other published
our recently published cohort
was substantially
older (Figure 1). CSDH has a strong male preponderance, with
a male-to-female ratio approximately 3:1.
To the best of our
knowledge, a satisfactory explanation of this striking gender
difference has not been published, nor has its biological basis
been thoroughly investigated.
Most commonly, the presentation is subacute or chronic
with gait disturbance, mental deterioration, headache, and
limb weakness. In 10% to 20% of cases, patients present
acutely with depressed level of consciousness. The relative
frequency of presenting symptoms varies in different series,
depending on the way the symptoms are categorized, the
historical and cultural context, and the accuracy with which
these were documented (Table 1). History of trauma can
usually be elicited in 50% to 70% cases.
Numerous articles have listed predisposing factors
identified in the studied populations. These are listed in Table 2.
Surgical drainage is well recognized as an effective
treatment of CSDH. Drainage can be achieved via craniotomy,
burr hole craniostomy (BHC; 5-30 mm in diameter according
to Weigel et al
) or twist drill craniostomy (TDC; , 5 mm in
diameter). General or local anesthesia can be used, and the
procedure can be performed in the operating theater or at
bedside. Numerous variations of each technique have been
developed and are practiced (see also recent reviews by
Weigel et al
and Lega et al.
Burr Hole Craniostomy
Probably the most widely practiced treatment is
evacuation via burr holes.
Both the systematic
review by Weigel et al
and the decision analysis model based
on the previously published data by Lega et al
have identified
BHC as the most efficient choice to treat an ‘‘uncomplicated’’
CSDH because it balances a low recurrence rate against
morbidity and mortality better than craniotomy and TDC.
Over the last 2 decades, evidence has been emerging that
the usage of drains with BHC is associated with lower
recurrence rates.
In the review by Weigel et al,
use of drains was endorsed with Type B recommendation. The
results of a Monte Carlo simulation in the 2009 article by Lega
et al
suggest a trend toward better outcomes with insertion of
an in-dwelling drain. Many surgeons remain unconvinced
about the role of drains in burr hole evacuation. Results of
a survey commissioned by the Society of British Neurological
Surgeons in 2006 showed that most neurosurgeons in the
United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland do not use drains
most of the time.
The perceived risk, surgeons’ experience of
a patient with complications, and insufficient or a perception
of insufficient evidence might play a part in their decision.
2010 The Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Clinical Neurosurgery
Volume 57, 2010
Chronic Subdural Haematoma-Review
Recently, we published results of a randomized con-
trolled trial of the use of drains versus no drains after BHC
for primary (nonrecurrent) CSDH in adults.
The primary
end point was recurrence (reoperation) rate. The secondary
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