The World Bank Agriculture Modernization Project (P158372)
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during 2016-2018 the loss to farmers from the low state farm-gate prices was 2.2 percent of GDP, which in some years
was larger than the amount of budget support provided to farms. Most of the budget support was provided in the form
of free irrigation water, costing the public 1.3 percent of GDP annually. Direct subsidies to farmers in the form of
subsidized credit and the direct payments for producing cotton on low fertile soils were 0.2 percent of GDP. The budget
for other key agricultural services such as agricultural R&D, extension, and market infrastructure was negligible.
5. The GoU has recognized weaknesses of past agricultural policies and started the reform with liberalization of exchange rate in 2017. This reform was followed by many other macroeconomic and trade reforms to create more space
for private sector investments and facilitate export
. In agriculture, the reforms started with the removal of price and
market distortions for horticulture export. Uzbekistan has a strong comparative advantage in horticulture
, that if
realized can contribute to higher economic growth and can generate larger export revenue. Horticulture has also the
potential to create many of better-paid, more productive, inclusive jobs. Production of vegetables requires two to three
times more labor input than production of cotton and grains, while production of fruits requires five to ten times more
labor input. In addition, labor productivity in horticulture is much higher than that in cotton and wheat and horticulture
can create more permanent jobs of higher productivity and desirability. Furthermore, labor requirement in horticulture
is spread throughout the year, especially in greenhouses and post-harvest processing and marketing activities. Since
2017, the WB-supported HDP investments (Table A1.2) helped create about 16,000 jobs along horticulture value chain,
where women comprise 31 percent of full-time employees within agro-firms and horticulture farms.