The World Bank Agriculture Modernization Project (P158372)
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credit line component of the project. The public consultations on the draft ESMF took place on November 18, 2019, and
the final ESMF, along with other ESF documents, were disclosed locally and in InfoShop on December 18, 2019.
87. Scope of Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF). The project does not envision land acquisition, restrictions on
land use or involuntary resettlement. However, as the location of all project-supported activities is not known and could
not be screened, the Borrower has prepared an RPF outlining the principles and steps to be followed in the event that
impacts on private land, assets, or livelihoods are identified and are unavoidable. In such cases, UZAIFSA will lead the
preparation and implementation of site-specific Resettlement Action Plans and ensure that they are fully implemented
prior to beginning of any activities that may lead to impacts on privately-used land, assets, or livelihoods.
88. Borrower’s Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP). The ESCP specifies main responsibilities and
actions to be undertaken by MOA and UZAIFSA to ensure project compliance with WB ESSs, in particular: (a) conducting
environmental and social screening for all project activities via ESMP/ESMP Checklist covering the above aspects; (b)
application of the ESMF and RPF to all project activities, including the need to prepare site specific ESMPs and
Resettlement Action Plans; (c) reporting on environmental and social performance of all activities on a biannual reports;
(d) ensuring transparency in providing project environmental safeguards and ensuring all ESIA and/or ESMPs are
disclosed and publicly consulted with all interested parties; (e) maintaining through the whole period of project
implementation human capacity to ensure project activities ESIA and ESMP supervision and monitoring and providing
adequate reporting to the implementing agency and to the WB; (f) preparation and adherence to the Environment, Social,
Health and Safety Code of Conduct by works contractors; and (g) implementing and reporting on SEP, LMP, and GRM.