7. Creative use of Time, Numbers & Dates
There are different ways to express time. You can convert time into different units. For
Weeks could be expressed in months or days or vice versa
12 weeks = 3 months = 84 days
Days may be expressed in hours
3 days ago = 72 hours
Time can also be expressed in more general terms
10 a.m. could be described as “mid-morning” or before noon.
2 p.m. could be in the afternoon
Noon could be in the middle of the day
Night times could be expressed as before/after sunset or midnight
Very early morning could be described as before dawn or sunrise.
Numbers & Statistics
In English there are different ways to express multiples.
2 might be expressed as: a couple, twice, double.
3 might be expressed as: a trio, or triple
7 Ways to Paraphrase
Alexander College Writing & Learning Centres
Statistics can be reversed:
For Example:
If a statistic says 60% of people
did something that means 40%
didn’t do it
Conversely, if 50% voted
against, then that means 50% voted
for it.
Statistics can also be generalized:
For Example:
If a statistic says 60.48% of eligible voters voted in the last election, you can say:
Just over 60% of eligible voters voted.
Almost 4
0% of eligible voters didn’t vote.
If the date isn’t important to your essay, you may omit it.
A specific year, such as 1989 can be expressed as the late 1980’s.
It could also be expressed as
the 1990’s.
Dates can also be expressed relative to an important, relevant historical figure.
Space flight became a regular occurrence during the
Kennedy era.
(i.e. E
arly 1960’s when J.F. Kennedy was the U.S. President)
Dates can also be relative to a specific historical time period
Engines powered by water have been with us since the
Industrial Revolution.
Human artistic expression dates back to the
Stone Age, when pictures of
successful hunts were painted on cave walls.
Remember: A successful paraphrase is about sharing the
, not using similar words.