Risk Matrix records determine how a Risk Matrix looks, as well as other information about the Risk Matrix.
This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Risk Matrix family
and appear on the Risk Matrix Layout datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state
Data Type
Behavior and Usage
Alias Format Mask
Specifies the format in which
you want to display the risk
rank values in the cells on the
risk matrix.
The format must be defined
using the following formula:
{c} - {r} - {pl} - {t}
{c} is the alias for the
{r} is the alias for the row.
{pl} is the alias for the
protection level.
{t} is the alias for the risk
The delimiter in this formula is
a dash (-), but it can be
customized. For example, you
could use a colon (:), in place of
a dash.
You can exclude from the
format any parameter that you
do not want to see on the risk
The default format is {c} - {r}.
Consequence Axis
Specifies the axis on which the
consequence values are
You can choose from:
X-Axis: Displays the
consequence values along
the x-axis.
Y-Axis: Displays the
consequence values along
the y-axis.
When you change this value,
the value in the Probability
Axis field is updated
automatically to display the
opposite value.
In the baseline Risk Matrix
record and all new Risk Matrix
records that you create, the
default value is X-Axis.
Consequence Sort Order
Specifies the order in which
the consequence values are
In the baseline Risk Matrix
record and all new Risk Matrix
records that you create, the
default value is Ascending.
2020 General Electric Company