Əli Hüseynli
Riyaziyyat elmləri üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru
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Çap olunğu yer və tarix
“ Asymptotics of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a discontinuous boundary value problem,”
Proceeding of IMM of NAS of Azerbaijan, 2011, vol.XXXV (LXIII), pp. 21-32. (həmmüəllif T.Б.Касумов)
“ О полноте собственных и присоединенных функций одного разрывного дифференциального оператора второго порядка,”
Доклады НАНА, LXVIII, 2012, №1, s.3-7 (həmmüəllif T.Б.Касумов)
“ On the stability of basisness in of cosines and sines,”
Turkish journal of Mathematics, 35 (2011), p. 47-54.
Təhsil fakültəsi
Təhsil departamenti
Dos. Elza Səmədli
Filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru
Təhsil fakültəsinin dekanı
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“Ali Bey Hüseynzade`nin Edebi Faaliyeti”
Azərbaycan Dünya ədəbiyyatında, Beynəlxalq Simpozium, 27-29 May, 2011, Xəzər Universitəsi
“Ümumi orta təhsil səviyyəsinin yeni fənn kurikulumlarının tətbiqi üzrə”
Təlim vəsaiti, Xəzər Universiteti Nəşriyytı, Bakı, 2012, 115 s
“İdarəetmədə qərarların verilməsi üçün təhsilalanların nailiyyətlərinin qiymətləndirilməsi və monitorinq tədqiqatları nəticələrindən istifadəyə dair””
Təlim vəsaiti. Xəzər Universiteti Nəşriyyatı, Bakı, 2013,200 s.
“Phonetic and Semantic Remains of Original Long Vowels in Azerbaijan Turkish”
The Journal of International Social Research, Volume 5, İssue: 20, Winter 2012, p.127-132. (Asli Uzunlukların Azerbaycan Türkçesindeki Fonetik ve Semantik İzleri)
‘Data informed school leadership’, Education leadership and policy in Azerbaijan and the UK: Building capacity for school improvement;
Collaborative workshop: University of Nottingham, UK and Khazar University, Azerbaijan , 25-28 March, 2014
Coğrafiya və ətraf mühit departamenti
Rövşən Abbasov
Coğrafiya elmləri üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru
Coğrafiya və ətraf mühit departamentinin müdiri
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Çap olunğu yer və tarix
“Assessment of Fresh Water Ecosystem Services in the Hydropower Sector in the Kura-Aras River Basin in Azerbaijan.”
Study of World Wild Foundation, in press 2014 (co-authorized Marlon Flores)
“ Scoping Study for the Forestry Sector of Azerbaijan Study of World Wild Foundation”
TEEB 2014
“ The Value of Water in the Greater Baku Area”
2012 in press (co-authorized Scandizzo P)
“ An Integrated Water Management Study”
Worldbank internal document
“ Long-Range Dependence and Sea Level Forecasting”
DOI10.1007/978-3-319-01505-7SpringerInternational Publishinghttp://www.buchhandel.de/detailansicht.aspx?isbn=9783319015040 2013 (Co-authorized Ercan Ali)
“Indexing Environmental Vulnerability of Mountain Streams of Azerbaijan.”
Mountain Research and Development 32(1):73-82. 2012 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-11-00012 2011 (co-authorized Smakhtin V.U.)
“ Assessment of Ecological Flow for Mountain Rivers of the Kura Basin”
(2011) Survival and Sustainability Environmental Earth Sciences 2011 Part 8, 1369-1379 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-95991-5_129 http://www.springerlink.com/content/n17401242364661g/
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Ramil Sadıqov
Coğrafiya elmləri ezrə fəlsəfə doktoru
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Çap olunğu yer və tarix
“The erosion in the black soil Gadabakregions mountain its consequences.”
International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Mukhtar Abduyev, Baku, 2012, Part I, p. 482-487
“Roughly, the mountain forests of the north-east of the main factors causing erosion.”
Scientific Conference of Young Scientists, Baku, Science Development Fund under the President of Azerbaijan Republic. July 25-27, 2012, pp 103-105
“The influence of the erosi- on process on mountainous chernozemsfertilite in the Kadabak district of Azerbaijan ”
Annals of agrarian science Vol 11. No.1. pg. 30-33
“The ways of the determination and removalerosion processes on leached carbonate mountain black earth of Gedabek region ”
"Azerbaijan Agricultural Science" magazine. Baku, 2012, № 4, p. 114-115
“Investigation and protection methods of the soddy mountain-meadow soils. Article.”
And the 90th anniversary of Heydar Aliyev in the SLCC "HeydarAliyev's land reform to ensure food safety" scientific-practical conference, Baku-2013, tome 21, № 1, p. 91-94
“Influence of erosion process on fertility of the leaching mountainous brown soils.”
90th anniversary Academic Javidan Huseynov Proceedings of the Soil Association, tome XI, Part II, Baku, "Science", 2013
“An analysis of the current state of mining and meadow-steppe soils of alpine zone of the Lesser Caucasus and the determination of the level of fertility parameters (for example Kedabek district).”
90th anniversary of Heydar Aliyev international scientific conference, Baku, 2013
Rəşail İsmayılov
Coğrafiya elmləri üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru
Nəşrlərin adı
Çap olunğu yer və tarix
“Hydrochemical condition of the rivers flowing into Caspian Sea within the territory of Azerbaijan”
National Academy of Science proceedings the sciences of Earth.Baku-2010 Vol.2.Page 49-52.
“Evaluation of Contemporary Environmental Condition of River Basins in Southern pre-Caspian Areas of Azerbaijan.”
International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology.USA-2012. Vol.I № 1, Page 94-98 (co-authorized Karimov R.N)
“Hydrological characteristics of mountain rivers Gabala-Ismayilli region.”
Geography and Tourism. Kiev State University named after T. Sefcenko.Kiev-2012.Page 297-300
“The changing water consumption in the Kura basin. Caspian International Aqua Technologies ”
Conference materials. Baku-2013. Page 129-136
“The role of the Kura river tributaries in its pollution.”
Geography and Tourism. Kiev State University named after T. Sefcenko.Kiev-2014.Page 295-300
“Evaluation of a mode / quality change of Kura River water due to anthropogenic activities”
Journal of Water:chemistry and ecology. Moscow, 2014. № 3. Page. 26-31. (co-authorized Abduyev M.A)
Elton Məmmədov
Coğrafiya elmləri üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru
Nəşrlərin adı
Çap olunğu yer və tarix
“Soil degradation and restoration problems in Absheron Peninsula Energy, Ecology, Economy”
Tenth Baku International Congress 23-25 September, Baku, 2009, p.297-299 V.H.Hasanov, R.H.Aslanova, B.N.Ismailov
“GIS mapping of soil erosion and soil erosion risk in the area of Gadabay gold mine.”
Collection of articles of Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemstry of ANAS (İSNN 2222-7882) 2:21, Baku, p.411-415
“Heavy metal content and its spatial variability in the soils of the gold mines in Gadabay districts.”
International conference environmental changes conservation of plant diversity (ISBN 978-9952-8180-4-8), p.43
Bioloji elmlər departamenti
İradə Xəlilova
Biologiya elmləri üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru
Bioloji elmlər departamentinin müdiri
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Çap olunğu yer və tarix
“Oxidation of glutathione in the airways of young children with cystic fibrosis.”
American Thoracic Society International Conference Abstracts - B33. Oxidants, Oxidases and Redox Regulation of Lung Disease, A2793, 10.1164/ajrccmconference.183.1_MeetingAbstracts.A2793 Kettle AJ, Turner R, Gandell CL, Harwood DT, Chapman AL, Winterbourn CC, Sly DT. (2011).
“Oxidation of urate to allantoin by myeloperoxidase in gout.”
Arthritis & Rheumatism, vol.64, November 9-14, Suppl 10:1903, DOI: 10.1002/art.39635 Stamp LK, Zhang M, Turner R, Kettle A. (2012).
“Oxidative Stress from Use of Allopurinol - Is There a Reason for Patients with Gout to Take Vitamin C?”
American College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health professionals, ACR/ARHP ANNUAL MEETING.Stamp LK, Turner R, Chapman P, O’Donnell J, Kettle A. (2014)
“Myeloperoxidase and oxidative stress in rheumatoid arthritis.”
J.Rheumatology (Oxford, England), 51(10): pp. 1796 803. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kes193 Stamp LK, Tarr JM, Senthilmohan R, Turner R, Haigh RC, Winyard PG, Kettle AJ. (2012)
“Isoniazid as a substrate and inhibitor of myeloperoxidase: identification of amine adducts and the influence of superoxide dismutase on their formation”
J. Biochemical pharmacology, 84(7): pp.949-60. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2012.07.020 Forbes LV, Paul G Furtmüller PG, Turner R, Obinger C, Kettle AJ. (2012)
“Ceruloplasminin is an endogenous inhibitor of myeloperoxidase.”
J. Biological Chemistry, 288:6465-6477. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M112.418970 Chapman AL, Mocatta TJ, Shiva S, Seidel A, Chen B, Paumann-Page ME, Jameson GN, Winterbourn CC, Kettle AJ.(2013).
“Measuring chlorine bleach in biology and medicine.”
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, vol. 1840, issue 2, pp. 781-793. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2013.07.004 Kettle AJ, Albrett AM, Chapman AL, Dickerhof N, Forbes LV, Turner R. (2014).
“Oxidation contributes to low glutathione in the airways of children with cystic fibrosis.”
European Respiratory Journal, 44:122-129. doi: 10.1183/09031936.00170213 Kettle AJ, Turner R, Gangell CL, Harwood DT, Chapman AL, Winterbourn CC, Sly PD. (2014).
“Myeloperoxidase and oxidation of uric acid in gout: implications for the clinical consequences of hyperuricaemia.”
J. Rheumatology (Oxford), pp. 266-273. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keu218 Stamp LK, Turner R, Zhang M, Drake J, Forbes LV, Kettle AJ. (2014)
“Uric acid and thiocyanate as competing substrates of lactoperoxidase.”
J Biological Chemistry, 289(32):21937-21949 doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.544957 Seidel A, Parker H, Turner R, Dickerhof N, Wilbanks SM, Kettle AJ, Jameson GNL. (2014)
Müşfiq Orucov
Tibb elmləri üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru
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“Морфо-функциональные особенности субарахноидального угла зрительного нерва белой крысы.”
Россия, г. Самара, 2012. В журнале «Морфология», Санкт-Петербург, том 141, № 3 2012, с.119. Оруджев М.Т
Səadət Xudaverdiyeva
Biologiya elmləri üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru
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Çap olunğu yer və tarix
“ İmişli rayon torpaqlarında təbii və süni radionuklidlərin miqrasiyası”
Nüvə enerjisinin dinc məqsədlərlə istifadəsi perspektivləri. IV Beynəlxalq konfrans, Bakı 2011 s.109 M.A.Abdullayev., İ.B.Əsədova, R.A.Əşrəfzadə
“Миграция естественных и искусственных радионуклидов в почвах Кура-Араксин-ской низменности Азербайджана (на примере Саатлинского района)”
Сборник трудов Международной конференция "Радиоэкологические и экологические исследования", Тбилиси 2012 Абдуллаев М.А., Худавердиева С.Р., Нагиев Дж.А., Асадова И.Б.
“ Поведение естественных и искусственных радионуклидов в почвах Имишлинского района Кура-Араксин-кой низменности Азербайджана”
II Международная научно-практичес-кая конференция «Современные проблемы безопасности жизнедеятельности: теория и практика» Казань 2012 c.6-13 Абдуллаев М.А., Худавердиева С.Р., Нагиев Дж.А., Асадова И.Б.
“Естественные и искусственные радионуклиды в биогеоценозах Апшеронского полуострова (на примере Сабунчинского района г.Баку)”
Сборник научных трудов Международной Научно-практической Конференции «Экологическое состояние природной среды и научно-практические аспекты современных мелиоративных технологий», Рязань 2012 c.343-347 Абдуллаев М.А., Самедов А.Н., Худавердиева С.Р.
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