The substantia nigra (SN) is important resource to understand the mechanism of the PD causation
The substantia nigra (SN) is important resource to understand the mechanism of the PD causation
The needs for the resources to provide information of comprehensive PD-related genes and genetic variations
We present a consolidated PD database, called PDbase, to capture wide spectrum of molecular events
A comprehensive PD-related genes and genetic variation database
Contains 2,678 genes and 870,468 SNPs from 1) SN ESTs and 2) public disease-related databases
Provides biological function of the PD-related genes including alternative splicing events, SNPs located in gene structure, mitochondrial proteins, micro-RNA elements, biological pathways, and PPI networks
Related work
MDPD (The Mutation Database for Parkinson’s Disease)
202 genes extracted from 576 publications and manually examined by biomedical researchers based on population studies
It provides the PD-related genetic variation effects such as risk factor or ethnic group
40~80 PD genetic association studies
PD-related genes and risk factors from association studies
PDbase construction:
PDbase construction:
SN EST discovery and
computational analysis
PDbase system
PDbase system
SN EST statistics
SN EST statistics
Gene information
Genetic variation information
Gene regulation
Gene Ontology (GO)
Biological pathways: BioCarta and KEGG
Protein-protein interaction network
Provides comprehensive information about Parkinson’s Disease-related genes and genetic variation
highlights to contain not only public resources, but also un-reported PD target genes using normal and PD’s SN ESTs
Helpful in analysis of complex biological phenomena including human brain diseases because of including several genes, genetic variations, expression, and network