CINCINNATI FALL SECTIONAL (and CBA Board Elections) November 8 – 10, 2002 SHARONVILLE CONVENTION CENTER 11355 Chester Road Exit 15, I- 75 (Sharon Road), west on Sharon .2 miles, north on Chester .5 miles FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Stratified Pairs……………………………………………1:30 p.m. Strat. A 1500+ Strat. B 500-1500 Strat. C 0-500 Stratified 199er Pairs…………………………………….1:30 p.m. Strat. A 100-199 Strat. B 50-100 Strat. C 0-50 Stratified Paris…………………………………………...7:30 p.m. Strat. A 1500+ Strat. B 500-1500 Strat. C 0-500 Stratified Future Masters Pairs Stratified……………..7:30 p.m. Strat. A 100-300 Strat. B 50-100 Strat. C 0-50 Stratified Pairs……………………………………………1:30 p.m. Strat. A 1500+ Strat. B 500-1500 Strat. C 0-500 North American Open Pairs District Finals………..…1:30 p.m. Flight A, B, and NANLM – First of Two Sessions Stratified Pairs…………………………………………. .1:30 p.m. Strat. A 1500+ Strat. B 500-1500 Strat C 0-500 North American Open Pairs District Finals..…………7:30 p.m. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Stratified Swiss Teams (Play Through)……………….10:30 a.m. Flight A1 - 2500+ Flight A2 – 0-2500 (A stand alone) Flight B - 500-1000 Flight C – 0-500 (B & C play together) Concession Stand Open Chairperson: Diane Travis, 513-745-0886 or 1-800-266-0991 ext. 55916 Partnerships: Lorna Davis, 513-777-1760
Carolyn Ahlert, Editor cahlert@earthlink.net
Prez Sez 2
Charity Red, White & Blue Bash 3
NAOP Unit Final 3
CBA Board Election 4
CBA Parking and Building Use 5
Zero Tolerance & Lost & Found 6
Special Game Results 7
June STaC Winners 8
Middletown Sectional Winners 10
Bridge Expert Pt. 1 - Pollack 11
Obituaries 12
Library News & CBA Directory 12
Membership News 13
Entertainment Books 14
Gerald Steuernagle Award 14
Holiday Party 15
Who’s the Boss? – Babcock 16 Board Meetings 17
Bridge Lessons 18
Club Notes 19
GNT District Qualifying
Saturday, March 22
Cincinnati Regional
Sharonville Convention Center
April 28 - May 4
During the summer months, CBA members enjoyed several special events at the Bridge Center.
Thanks to Jodie Kieffer for running a very successful June STaC with more than 300 tables
in play at the Bridge Center during the week-long event. STaC games were also held at our
Unit’s outlying game locations in Oxford and at the New England Club in Anderson.
Extra special thanks to Jodie for chairing and donating her services as director for our
Bridge Center’s first “Player Appreciation Party” on Sunday, August 18, with free bridge for
all regular bridge center players. The delicious potluck dinner that evening was organized
by Elena Hickman. Thanks, Elena! Their efforts were enjoyed by more than 100 CBA players. The success of this event indicates that it will surely become an annual event.
The four-month Mentor/Mentee Program concluded with a Party at the Bridge Center on September 13. Thanks to Nancy Sachs for organizing the event this year and thanks to the Mentees who brought all the great food for the pot luck dinner. Special thanks to all the experienced Mentors who helped so many of our less experienced players!
Here’s some very good news about the Bridge Center: We’ve had the ceiling leaks repaired
and the carpet cleaned and, after conducting a free inspection of the building, the Hamilton County Health Department confirmed what we had been told by the insurance adjuster . . .
we do not have any mold in the ceiling or in the carpet at the Bridge Center!
At the May Board meeting, the finance Committee reported that the CBA will probably lose
almost $10,000 in 2002. Therefore, the Board decided to raise the fee for individual players
from $4.50 to $5.00 and raise the rental for non-CBA games from $7.00 to $9.00 per table.
We have a CBA Board of Trustees Election coming up. Look at page 4 of this ALERT to review
the resumes of the players running for the Board. The Board is composed of fifteen members. Each year our Unit membership elects five board members to a three-year term. After one
term, board members may be reelected once more, but they cannot serve more than two consecutive full terms. Come out and vote during our Fall Sectional at the Sharonville
Convention Center, November 8-10. If you can’t attend the Sectional, please see page 5 and follow the “Absentee Voting Instructions.”
Check the ALERT for lots of other special games and parties coming up this Fall and Winter.
I think you will enjoy playing in these events. See you there!
Linda Wolber
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