English lenguage

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English lenguage
Flowable composites are a class of low-viscosity composite materials that can be used as liners, fissure sealants, and restorative materials for small cavities. Owing to their low filler content, flowable composites may act as stress relievers beneath conventional composites in tooth restorations.

Applying a 0.5mm thick flowable composite after applying the adhesive system increases elasticity and relieves stress.

In conclusion, a lower stress level was achieved with a low-shrinkage flowable composite than with other conventional flowable materials, supporting the hypothesis that the ability of a flowable composite to act as a stress reliever is correlated with the material-dependent development of stress. (M. Cadenaro , 2011)

Uzbek lenguage

Oquvchi kompozitlar past yopishqoqlikdagi kompozit materiallar sinifiga kirib, ular kichik bo'shliqlarni to'ldirish, restovrativ hom - ashyo, fissura germetiklar sifatida ishlatiladi. Bundan tashqari oquvchi kompozitlar restovratsiya ostidan qo'llanilganda stressni yengillashtiruvchi sifatida ham qo'llaniladi.
Adgeziv tizim qo'llanilgandan so'ng 0.5 mm qalinlikdagi oquvchi kompozitni qo'llash elastiklikni oshiradi va stressni ko'proq yutadi.
Xulosa qilib aytadigan bo'lsak an'anaviy oquvchi kompozitlarga qaraganda past siqililshli oquvchi kompozitni qo'llash ko'proq stressni yengillashtirishi isbotlandi. Bu oquvchi kompozitni streesni yengillashtirish qobiliyati materialni tarkibiga bevosita bog'liq degan gipotezani qo'llab-quvatlaydi.
(M. Cadenaro , 2011)
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