Modal verbs
May I may pilaf. I speak English.
Might I can English.
Can I can pilaf. I may English.
I am. I can. I must.
I can do.
I speak.
I am speaking.
May/might hozirgi yoki kelasi zamonda biror ish harakatni sodir bo’lish ehtimoli borligini ko’rsatish uchun ishlatiladi. (possibility)
It may snow this week. It will may snow this week.
She may join the lesson.(30-40%)
21:00 boshlangan. (21:20 hozir) 22:30 da tugaydi
She might join the lesson. (15-20%)
21:00 boshlangan. 22:00 hozir. 22:30 tugaydi.
I may not join the next lesson. 30-40%
I might not join the next lesson. 10-15%
May I/ might I - biror kimdan nimadir qilish uchun ruhsat surashda ishlatiladi. (permission)
May I come in?
May I ask a question, sir? Ramiy va hushmuomala
Might I ask a question? Rasmiy va juda ham yuqori darajadagi mulozamat korsatish uchun.
Can I / could I - biror kimdan nimadir qilish uchun ruhsat surashda ishlatiladi.
Can I - norsamiy, do’stona
Can I ask a question?
Can I use your pen?
Could I - rasmiy hushmuomala.
Could I use your phone, sir?
Can I - 20-30
Could I - 50
May I - 70
Might I 100
Can - eganing biror bir ish harakatni qilish qobilayatini korsatish uchun ishlatiladi. (ability)
I can smoke 3 cigarettes at a time.
She can do 100 push-ups at once.
I cannot even do 50 push -ups. Can not can’t = cannot
She does 100 push-ups at once.
We can get 7+ from IELTS if we try harder.
Could - can ning o’tgan zamon shakli bo’lib, u o’tgan zamonda biror eganing biror bir ish harakat qilishdagi qobilayatini ko’rsatadi. Bunda oldin qila olardim, hozir esa qila olmayman degan mano chiqadi.
When I was 10 years old, I could run 10km.
First I couldn’t understand the listening. But now, I can understand it easily.
May you/ might you
Can you /could you - biror kimdan biror ish qilishini iltimos qilib so’rashni bildiradi.
Can you close the door? Iltimos eshikni yopib qoying.
Can you - norasmiy, do’stona
Could you -rasmiy va muloyimroq.
Can you turn on the light.
Could you explain the topic one more time.
I can cook pilaf.
I may cook pilaf.
I cannot cook pilaf.
I may not cook pilaf.
I could ride a bike.
I couldn’t ride a bike.
Could you give me advice?
May I use your pen? Rasmiy va hushmuomala
Can I use your pen? Norasmiy
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