Bayramov Sübhan Hafiz-101216568 AzMIU-2018 2019 Xarici dildə işgüzar və akademik kommunikasiya-1 (ingilis dili) 303a1a2a3, 303r, 323a1a2a3a4, 323r, 333a1a2a3, 333r1r2, 343a1a2
128. Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice. A) Two people were be killing when a Romanian football fan threw his TV
out of the window
B) Two people were killed when a Romanian football fan threw his TV
out of the window
C) Two people will be killed when a Romanian football fan threw his TV
out of the window
D) Two people have be killed when a Romanian football fan threw his TV
out of the window
E) Two people were been killed when a Romanian football fan threw his TV
out of the window
129. Match the definition to the word. a person who takes part in a competition A) teacher
B) contestant
C) reporter
D) librarian
E) director
130. Choose the correct translation. Başqalar ıməni tənqid edəndə o, həmişə məni müdafiə edirdi Она всегда защищала меня, когда другие меня критиковали A) She always defend me when other people criticize me
B) She always defends me when other people criticized me
C) She always defended me when other people criticizes me
D) She always defended me when other people criticizing me
E) She always defended me when other people criticized me
131. Choose the correct translation. Pulum olsaydı belə, xərcləyə biləcəyim bütün başqa şeyləri düşünərdim Даже если бы у меня были деньги, я бы подумал обо всем, на что я мог бы их потратить A) Even if I had the money, I would think of all the other things I could spend it on
B) Even if I had the money, I think of all the other things I could spend it on
C) Even if I had the money, I would think of all the other things I can spend it on
D) Even if I have the money, I would think of all the other things I could spend it on
E) Even if I had the money, I will think of all the other things I could spend it on
132. Choose the correct variant.