166. Choose the correct logical ending.
The question was very difficult and________
A) it was easy to answer it
B) anybody wanted to answer it
C) nobody could answer it
D) everybody could understand it
E) everybody could answer them easily
167. Choose the correct translation.
Lidiya bütün pullarını xeyriyyə məqsədi iləTailanda yaşayan kimsəsiz uşaqlara verdi
Лидия пожертвовала все свои деньги на благотворительность для детей-
сирот, живущих в Таиланде
A) Lydia gave all the money to a charity which helped orphan childs in Thailand
B) Lydia gave all the money to a charity which help orphan child in Thailand
C) Lydia gives all the money to a charity which helps orphan children in Thailand
D) Lydia gave all the money for a charity which helps orphan children in Thailand
E) Lydia gave all the money to a charity which helps orphan children in Thailand
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