9. Aside on Loki’s name: a further ingredient in the witches’ brew of the name of Loki.
—ikhaº∂in literally means “wearing a tuft or a lock.”
Modern English lock (of hair), OE locc, OHG loc, ON lokkr: Germanic *lukka-
Loki’s mother is a giantess named Laufey, “Leaf-island,” (as well as Nál, “needle, sprouts of grass” also e.g. Danish nål, “needle of a conifer”), a compound lauf, “leaf,” cognate with German Laube, “tuft.” However, I freely admit this is more probably a coincidence.
10.1 Dumezil’s own camparison of Loki: Loki of Norse myth = Duryodhana, the incarnation of the demon Kali in the Mah#bh#rata: Il [Loki] correspond au Duryodhana de lépopée qui est le pire demon, Kali, … l’inspirateur et l’executant obstiné des grands malheurs et de la bataille dans laquelle seront anéantis, avec lui-même, tous ses frères et toute l’armée des « bons ».
10.2 The composers of the found it difficult to transfer details of death-tale of *Dyeus for two reasons.
10.3 Duryodhana, the incarnation of the demon Kali, could hardly be portrayed as kl%ba (“effeminate”). Duryodhana even rebukes Arjuna for a bit of gender-bending behavior (Mbh 5.158.31): dh‰tā hi veºī pārthena virā†anagare “for P#rtha (Arjuna) wore a braid in the city of Vir#†a”.
10.3 Bh%≠ma is constrained to fight on Duryodhana’s side and is in fact Duryodhana’s mightiest warrior. The Mah#bh#rata presents him with demonic enemy. Amb# is the incarnation of a R#k≠asa (Mbh 1.61.87) A r#k≠asa-marriage begins Bh%≠ma’s struggle with Amb#
Manusm‰ti 3.33
hatv# chittv# ca bhittv# ca kro–ant%ª rudant%ª g‰h#t
prasahya kany#haraºaª r#k≠aso vidhir ucyate
The forcible abduction of a maiden from her home while she cries and weeps, after killing, wounding, and smashing, is called the R#k≠asa rite.
10.4 The composers of the Mah#bh#rata transposed the myth of the slayer of Dyau˛ to Amb#-—ikhaº∂in. Compare Vidura and Yudi≠†hira, who are both Dharma.
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