3.5 The motif of sex-changing is Loki’s story is ancient and inherited, and it is paralleled in the story of Amb#. However, sex-changing is far from isolated (e.g. the story of Ba‚g#–vana in the 15th Book).
4. Restoration of the Myth:
*Dyéus is the product of a nine-fold birth from the waters, and he is among the eldest of the gods. His personal enemy is a being that changes sex. Dyéus is the last to die as part of a cosmic battle, and he is slain by this enemy.
8. The motif of the Woman in the Fire
8.1 Mbh 5.188.16-18 trans. van Buitenen (1978: 521)
tata sā paśyatāª te≠āª mahar≠īºām aninditā
samāhr̥tya vanāt tasmāt kā≠†hāni varavarºinī
citāª kr̥tvā sumahatīª pradāya ca hutāśanam
pradīpte ’gnau mahārāja ro≠adīptena cetasā
uktvā bhī≠mavadhāyeti praviveśa hutāśanam
jye≠†hā kāśisutā rājan yamunām abhito nadīm
Thereupon, while the great seers were looking on, the blameless, fair-complexioned maiden gathered firewood from the forest, made a very high pyre, and set fire to it. When the fire was blazing, she spoke with her heart [cetasā, literally ‘mind’—P.T.] with wrath, “For Bhī≠ma’s death!” and entered the fire, did the eldest daughter of Kāśi by the bank of the Yamunā, [O] king!
8.2 Hyndlolioð 41 ed. Kuhn 1961, trans. Larrington 1996
Loki át af hiarta lindi brendo,
fann hann hálfsviðinn hugstein kono;
varð Loptr qviðugr af kono illri;
þaðan er á foldu flagð hvert komið.
Loki ate some of the heart, roasted on a linden-wood fire,
he found it half cooked, the thought stone of a woman;
Lopt [i.e. Loki] was impregnated by a wicked woman,
from whom every ogress on earth is descended.
Amb# literally means “mother.” Loki is reproached for being a mother in the Lokasenna, and he is also the father of the both the Wolf Fenrir and the Miðgard Serpent, monsters who will almost destroy the world at Ragnarøk.
Amba gains her wish with help of Yakshas.
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