Task 1. Match the words with their synonyms. 1. display h. show
2. check e. examine
3. organize b. arrange
4. parentheses f. brackets
5. remember a. recall
6. assume g. suppose
7. start d. begin
8. evaluate c. assess
Task 2. Translate the given sentences into your own language. 1. The title bar displays the name of the spreadsheet and application. Sarlavha paneli jadval va ilovaning nomini ko’rsatadi. 2. Every Excel spreadsheet contains 256 columns and each column present in the spreadsheet is named by letters or a combination of letters. Har bir Excel jadvali 256 ustunni o’z ichiga oladi va jadvaldagi har bir ustun harflar yoki harflar birikmasi bilan nomlanadi. 3. These are all ‘basic maths functions’ - the kind of things you would find on a simple calculator.
Bular hammasi ‘asosiy matematik funksiyalar’ - oddiy kalkulyatorga o’xshash narsalar.
4. A spreadsheet contains first, previous, next, and last navigation buttons. These buttons are used to move from one worksheet to another workbook.
Jadvalda birinchi, oldingi, keyingi va oxirgi navigatsiya tugmalari mavjud. Ushbu tugmalar bitta ish varaqidan boshqa ish kitobiga o’tish uchun ishlatiladi.
5. A cell reference, also known as a cell address, is a way for describing a cell on a worksheet that combines a column letter and a row number.
Hujayra manzili, ya’ni hujayra manzili deb ham ataladigan narsa, ustun harfi va qator raqamini birlashtirib, ish varaqidagi hujayrani tasvirlash usuli. _ 6. In a spreadsheet, everything like a numeric value, functions, expressions, etc., is recorded in the cell. In a spreadsheet, everything like a numeric value, functions, expressions, etc., is recorded in the cell.
Jadvalda sonli qiymat, funksiyalar, ifodalar va boshqalar kabi hamma narsa hujayrada yozib qolinadi. Jadvalda sonli qiymat, funksiyalar, ifodalar va boshqalar kabi hamma narsa hujayrada yozib qolinadi. 7. Rows and columns are two distinct features in a spreadsheet that come together to make a cell, a range, or a table. Qatorlar va ustunlar jadvalda hujayra, diapazon yoki jadval yaratish uchun birga keladigan ikkita farqli xususiyatdir. 8. A spreadsheet is a computer application that is designed to add, display, analyze, organize, and manipulate data arranged in rows and columns. Jadval - bu kompyuter ilovasi, qatorlar va ustunlar tartibida joylashtirilgan ma’lumotlarni qo’shish, ko’rsatish, tahlil qilish, tashkil etish va boshqarish uchun mo’ljallangan. 9. Spreadsheets are scalable grid-based files that are used to organize data and perform calculations. spreadsheets are scalable grid-based files that are used to organize data and perform calculations. Jadvalar - bu ma’lumotlarni tashkil etish va hisoblash uchun ishlatiladigan kattalashtiriladigan torli fayllardir. jadvalar - bu ma’lumotlarni tashkil etish va hisoblash uchun ishlatiladigan kattalashtiriladigan torli fayllardir. 10. An Excel spreadsheet is a collection of spreadsheets is known as a workbook.