1 Medical psychology Exam Questions Tashkent medical academy

question. "I forget I hear it, I love it and I can understand it, I do remember the

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83 question. "I forget I hear it, I love it and I can understand it, I do remember the 

phrase," Who is the author? 




A. Ibn Sina 

B. Mirzo Ulugbek 

C. Hippocrates 

D. Farobiy 

E. Confucius * 


84 question. In fact, the events did not happen by itself seems to experience in real life, the 

false memory - this: 


A. Derealizatsiya 

B. Konfabulyatsiya * 

C. Depersonalizatsiya 

D. semantic memory 

E. Kleptomaniya 


Q 85. Increases memory pathological what do you call it? 


A. Amnesia 

B. Dismnestik syndrome 

C. Giperemneziya * 

D. dysthymic 

E. Konfabulyatsiya 


86 question. Burdonning korrektura test, Schultz checked in accordance with the schedule 

and methods of Krepelin what? 


A. Emotion 

B. Attention * 

C. Tafakkur 

D. Vera 

E. Reason 


87 question. Ebbingauz method (memorizing 10 words) What is checked? 


A. Consciousness 

B. Attention 

C. Tafakkur 

D. Reason 

E. Memory * 


88 - question. Ponder what? 


A. * High levels of cognitive process 

B. Attention and memory appear together 

C. infiltration behavior 

D. Long-term memory is a type of 

E. reflect this mean that the mind 


89 question. Mental retardation in children: 


A. Derealizatsiya 

B. Giperdinamik syndrome 



C. Derealizatsiya 

D. dementia 

E. Oligofreniya * 


Q 90. Reduces Size of thought is what? 


A. Dismnestik syndrome 

B. Oneyroid 

C. Korsakov amnesia 

D. dementia * 

E. Oligofreniya 


91 question. Violation of mild mental activity - in this: 


A. Debillik * 

B. Imbetsillik 

C. Idiots 

D. dementia 

E. Oligofreniya 


92 question. Violation of moderate mental activity - in this: 


A. Debillik 

B. Imbetsillik * 

C. Idiots 

D. dementia 

E. Oligofreniya 


Q 93. Violation of the mental activity - in this: 


A. Debillik 

B. Imbetsillik 

C. Idiots * 

D. dementia 

E. Oligofreniya 


Q 94. What is the euphoria? 


A. Good mood 

B. mood * 

The first phase of depression C. 

D. normal physiological condition 

E. Affektning 


95 question. And all that surrounds us, and relationships that arise as a result of feeling for 

what it is: 


A. Vision * 

B. Ong 

C. Tafakkur 

D. Reason 

E. Puerilizm 




96 question. What dysphoria? 


A. The collapse of the person 

Type B. Fobiyaning 

C. That rise 

D. Attention Disorder 

E. affective disorder * 


97 question. Affect, dysphoria, euphoria, dysthymic depression, mania, apatiyalar is a 

violation of any activity? 


A. Thought 

B. Reason 

C. emotions * 

D. Radiant 

E. temperamental 


98- question. Affect? 


A. Rejoice 

Type B. Eyforiyaning 

C. That rise 

D. Ong violation 

E. Emotional explosion * 


99 - question. The reaction of the body's response to stressors compared to this: 


A. Stress * 

B. Emotion 

C. Affekt 

D. dysphoric 

E. suicide 


100-question. "Where there is life there is stress, it is not death," to whom? 


A. Sigmund Freud 

B. Hans Selena * 

C. Ibn Sina 

D. Farabi 

Hippocrates E. 


101-question. 3 stages of stress, the series website? 


A. Fatigue, anxiety, resistance 

B. resistance, fatigue, anxiety 

C. struggle, resistance, exhaustion 

D. Dezorientatsiya, motivation, adaptation 

E. concerned about resistance, fatigue * 


102-question. Drop in mood, thoughts this morning and after the movement of the 





A. Apathy 

B. Depression * 

C. dementia 

D. Distress 

E. dysphoric 


103-question. All showed disregard and ignore what is happening and what will be an 

emotional state: 


A. Apathy * 

B. Depression 

C. dementia 

D. Maniakal 

E. dysphoric 


104-question. Assassination attempt suicide? 


A. Tanatofobik residues gipnogogik 

B. Melanxolik, apathy, depression 

C. hostile situation, hysterical 

D. true, and solemnly to hide * 

E. Ipoxondrik you gipnogogik 


105-question. Self-assessment and excess capacity, and a sense of humor without a show 

full of excessive force What is the situation? 


A. Apathy 

B. Depression 

C. dementia 

D. Maniakal * 

E. dysphoric 


106-question. At the same time two different emotional state, contrary to what is called? 


A. Euphoria 

B. Depression 

C. Psychological ambivalentlik * 

D. Maniakal 

E. dysphoric 


107-question. Excessive passion, and it does hurt yourself and others will appear in the 

emotional damage - what is it? 


A. Dysphoria * 

B. Depression 

C. Depersonalizatsiya 

D. Psychological ambivalentlik 

E. Affekt 


108-question. Violation of sleep pressure is manifested in mind, what do you call it? 




A. Ceramic 

B. Dissomniya 

C. Somnologiya 

D. Somnolentsiya * 

E. Amentsiya 


109-question. Perceiving the light of the situation, reflected light, with the website. 


A. Obnubilyatsiya * 

B. Oneyroid 

C. Stupor 

D. syncopated 

E. Shok 


110-question. Perceiving what is called a violation of deeper? 


A. Koma 

B. ceramic * 

C. Stupor 

D. syncopated 

E. Shok 


111. The show with the most profound violation of the mind would be this: 


A. Koma * 

B. Sopot 

C. Stupor 

D. syncopated 

E. Shok 


112-question. Reason psychotic What are the components? 


A. Somnolentsiya, ceramics, coma, syncopated, 

B. shock, stupor, collapse, katapleksiya 

C. Somnambuliya obnubilyatsiya oneyroid amentsiya deliriya * 

Alex D. dementia Idiots imbetsillik 

E. Anozognoziya autotopognoziya melanxoliya gipnogogiya 


113-question. Reason nopsixotik What are the components? 


A. Somnolentsiya, ceramics, coma, syncopated * 

B. autism, mutism, ambliopiya katapleksiya 

C. Somnambuliya obnubilyatsiya oneyroid amentsiya deliriya 

Alex D. dementia Idiots imbetsillik 

E. Anozognoziya autotopognoziya melanxoliya gipnogogiya 


114-question. The passage of a sleeping man stood up and called what? 


A. Somnolentsiya 

B. Somnambulizm * 

C. Obnubilyatsiya 

D. Konfabulyatsiya 



E. insomnia 


115-question. Can understand their personality, perception of time and space to what is 

called a violation? 


A. Somnolentsiya 

B. Oneyroid 

C. Obnubilyatsiya 

D. Amentsiya 

E. Deliriya * 


116. Conscessness lunch and a variety of hallucinations uyqusimon be shown in a similar 

infringement of this type: 


A. Somnolentsiya 

B. Oneyroid * 

C. Obnubilyatsiya 

D. Amentsiya 

E. Deliriya 


117-question. Who created the doctrine of unconscesness? 


A. Sigmund Freud * 

B. Carl Gustav Jung 

C. Erich Fromm 

D. Joseph Breyer 

E. Alfred Adler 


117-question. Z.Freyd on the model of what a person? 


A. Brain 

B. Higher mental functions 

C. Ong 

D. Ong underground structures 

E. Id, Ego, Super-Ego * 


118-question. To study how the disease led to the creation of the theory of Freud? 


A. Autism in young children 

B. father's serious illness 

C. Neurosis and isteriyani * 

D. sexual abuse 

E. unconscious man lying 


119-question. Freud on social, moral and religious requirements: 


A. Super-Ego * 

B. Ego 

C. Ongsizlik 

D. behavior 

E. Id 




120-question. Freudian "Id" What is the meaning? 


A. Id - the "I" 

B. Id - these instincts * 

C. Ongsizlik 

D. Id - this behavior to reflect the mind 

E. Id - this means high moral 


121-question. Freud "Ego" What does the term mean? 


A. "I" and his consciousness * 

B. The sum of the sexual instincts 

C. The first phase of egoism 

D. social, moral and religious requirements 

E. esoteric consciousness 


122-question. Alfred Adler, founder of the doctrine? 


A. Behaviorism 

B. Geshtaltpsixologiya 

C. Cognitive psychology 

D. Analytical Psychology 

E. Individual psychology * 


123-question. Carl Gustav Jung, the founder of the doctrine? 


A. Behaviorism 

B. Geshtaltpsixologiya 

C. Cognitive psychology 

D. Analytical Psychology * 

E. Individual Psychology 


124-question. Neofreydizm any direction? 


A. Social factors are enriched with the teachings of Freud direction * 

Freud gave emphasis on the teaching of sexual factors line B. 

C. denying the absolute direction of psychoanalysis 

D. Id, Ego and Super-Ego, who introduced the line 

E. deny individual psychology routes 


125-question. Neofreydizm any direction? 


A. Social factors are enriched with the teachings of Freud direction * 

Freud gave emphasis on the teaching of sexual factors line B. 

C. denying the absolute direction of psychoanalysis 

D. Id, Ego and Super-Ego, who introduced the line 

E. deny individual psychology and routes 


126-question. Who are the founders of the Neofreydizm? 


A. Alfred Adler, Josef Breyer, Carl varnished, Carl Gustav Jung 

B. Erich Fromm, Karen Horn, Harry Saliva * 



C. Ayzenk, Sharko, Emil Krepelin 

D. Ernst Krechmer, Karl Yaspers 

Frederick E. Gall, Blake, Charles Rogers 


127-question. Psychoanalysts supports a wide range of therapy: 


A. Psixodinamik therapy * 

B. Rational psychotherapy 

C. cognitive psychotherapy 

D. Erikson hypnosis 

E. Geshtaltterapiya 


128-question. 10 scientists who describe the type of person? 


A. Krechmer 

B. Ayzenk 

C. Leongard * 

Freud D. 

E. Erikson 


129-question. Intraversiya person and ekstraversiya types of scientists who studied the 



A. Krechmer 

B. Ayzenk * 

C. Leongard 

Freud D. 

E. Erikson 


130-question. Feeling very quiet and inward-oriented person - this: 


A. Dysthymic 

B. Ekstravert 

C. Intravert * 

D. Tsiklotimik 

E. Shoirtabiat 


131-question. Being alert and oriented and feelings out of this: 


A. Gipertim 

B. Shoirtabiat 

C. Intravert 

D. Psycho 

E. Ekstravert * 


132-question. 3 Knob widely used to check the website of your choice. 


A. Ebbingauz Lurie and color scale 

B. Schultz, and Tsung Hamilton scale 

C. Spielberg Hanis, Krepelin scale Ierasek 

D. Ayzenk Lyusher test and MMPI * 

E. Xachinski Kurtz, NIHSA scale 




133-question. Behavior boy like this: 


A. Puerilizm * 

B. Senile dementia 

C. Pedantizm 

D. Pedofiliya 



134-question. Strong, enthusiastic and cheerful person - from what temperament


A. Xolerik 

B. Lively 

C. Melanxolik 

D. Flegmatik 

E. Sangvinik * 


135-question. Strong, quick and angry person - from what temperament? 


A. Xolerik * 

B. Psixopatiya 

C. Melanxolik 

D. Flegmatik 

E. Sangvinik 


136-question. Strong, balanced, and from which a person kamharakat temperament? 


A. Xolerik 

Click B. 

C. Melanxolik 

D. Flegmatik * 

E. Sangvinik * 


137-question. Weak, timid and dependent on someone else temperament: 


A. Xolerik 

B. hysteria 

C. Melanxolik * 

D. Flegmatik 

E. Sangvinik 


138-question. I.p. Pavlov 3 differs from the type of person? 


A. -Minded, and the mixture shoirtabiat * 

B. Melanxolik sangvinik and xolerik 

C. Mental health, Psycho and tsiklotimik 

D. Shizoid tsiklotimik and xolerik 

E. Ekstravert intravert, hysterical 


139-question. Therefore prosperity in the somatic stress syndrome - this: 


A. Somatopsixik syndrome 



B. Insult 

C. hysteria 

D. psychosomatic illness 

E. Psychosomatic syndrome * 


140-question. Sharp and constant stress as a result of organic disease What is it? 


A. Somatopsixik syndrome 

B. brain diseases 

C. Functional diseases 

D. psychosomatic illness * 

E. Psychosomatic syndrome 


141-question. Functional disorders of nervous system due to stress this: 


A. Somatopsixik syndrome 

B. brain diseases 

C. Psevdonevrologik syndrome * 

D. psychosomatic illness 

E. Psychosomatic syndrome 


142-question. Unclear etiology tsefalgiya, dizziness, neuralgia, radikulalgiya giperesteziya 

and legs syndrome from which symptoms bother? 


A. Neyrovegetativ syndrome 

B. Ganz syndrome 

C. psychosomatic syndrome 

D. Neyrorespirator syndrome 

E. Psevdonevrologik syndrome * 


143-question. Unclear headaches not have any symptoms? 


A. Organic * 

B. Functional 

C. neurotic 

D. unclear 

E. Tsefalgik 


144-question. Stir when restless legs symptom? 


A. Afternoon 

B. Early in the morning 

C. night * 

D. Syria 

E. The day cools 


145-question. Unclear when the dizziness will occur? 


A. Anaemia 

B. Vertebrobazillyar shortages 

C. fattest syndrome 

D. Acute and chronic stress * 



E. Sleeping 


146-question. According unclear neuralgia what will be revealed? 


A. Organic pain 

B. unclear pain * 

C. Gangliopatiya 

D. anesthesia 

E. Psevdoparez 


147-question. Back pain unclear - what is it? 


A. Organic syndrome 

B. Chronic fatigue syndrome 

C. Psevdorevmatizm 

D. restless legs syndrome 

E. Psevdoradikulyar syndrome * 


148-question. Back pain unclear - what is it? 


A. Organic syndrome 

B. Chronic fatigue syndrome 

C. Psevdorevmatizm 

D. restless legs syndrome 

E. Psevdoradikulyar syndrome * 


149-question. According to the Psevdorevmatizm which will be muffled? 


A. Small joints 

B. elbow joints 

C. knee joints * 

D. fingers 

E. No. pelvic joints 


150-question. Unclear giperesteziya the basis of what will be revealed? 


A. With a very strong sensitivity to the body * 

B. neuralgia 

C. Radikulyar pain 

D. Organic disturbances 

E. With severe itching 


151-question. Unclear how kardialgiya will be revealed? 

A. Kardionevrologik syndromes 

B. heart with functional pain in the * 

C. with ECG signs of ischemia 

D. chronic ischemia 

E. Arrhythmia 


152-question. Unclear kardialgiyada what you observed? 

A. Unclear violations 

B. Kardiosenestopatik failure 



C. heart pain inflicted by the end of 

D. ECG signs of a heart attack * 

E. Fear and anxiety 


153-question. Kardiosenestopatik syndrome? 

A. Unpleasant sensations in the field of heart * 

B. coronary artery ischemia 

C. Kardionevrologik syndrome 

D. Psevdonevrologik syndrome 

E. Neyrorespirator failure 


154-question. What is unclear cardiac arrhythmias have been observed? 

A. Unclear violations 

B. Kardiosenestopatik failure 

C. Treatment 

D. organic heart disease * 

E. Fear and anxiety 


155-question. Unclear kardialgiya not cause any complications? 


A. Psychosomatic disorder 

B. disability and death * 

C. Kardiosenestopatik distortions 

D. Isteriyaga 

E. Fear and panic 


156-question. Breathe after being choked stress this: 


A. * Unclear asthma 

B. bronchial asthma 

C. asthmatic status 

D. hysteria 

E. Phobias 


157-question. Asthma unclear what will be revealed? 


A. Difficulty breathing easier and production 

B. breathing difficulties and production 

C. with chronic bronchitis 

D. production of respiratory distress and easily * 

E. Emphysema 


158-question. What is unclear asthma symptoms? 


A. Functional symptoms 

B. Organic symptoms * 

C. unclear violations 

D. Neyrorespirator failure 

E. Fear and anxiety 


159-question. Unclear what type of gastrointestinal disorder? 




A. Organic disorders 

B. gastrointestinal ulcers 

C. Crohn's syndrome 

D. excessive bleeding 

E. Abdominalgiya, anorexia, constipation * 


160-question. What are the Psevdourologik syndrome? 


A. Pollakuriya, polyuria, tsistalgiya * 

B. hematuria, dysuria 

C. hyperkeratosis, giperesteziya 

D. Nevrogen bladder syndrome 

E. Glycosuria, eritrotsituriya 


161-question. What is unclear sexual disorder? 


A. Pollakuriya, polyuria, tsistalgiya 

B. impotence, frigidity * 

C. prostate, cystitis, adnexitis 

D. Nevrogen bladder syndrome 

E. Urethritis, pyelonephritis, endometritis 


162-question. What are common sexual weakness in men is called? 


A. Frigidity 

B. erection 

C. Prostate 

D. impotence * 

E. Urethritis 


163-question. Sexual frigidity in women is what? 


A. Frigidity * 

B. erection 

C. Prostate 

D. impotence 

E. Urethritis 


164-question. Physical injury during sexual intercourse to feel satisfied etkazgandagina 



A. Vaginizm 

B. sadism 

C. tying * 

D. orgasm 

E. Sadomazoxizm 


165-question. Physical injury during sexual intercourse companion etkazgandagina feel 

satisfied with this: 


A. Vaginizm 

B. sadism * 



C. tying 

D. Disgamiya 

E. Sadomazoxizm 


166-question. During gynecological examination and vaginal sex with a severe reduction in 

what is called? 


A. Vaginizm * 

B. sadism 

C. tying 

D. Disgamiya 

E. Sadomazoxizm 


167-question. During sexual intercourse, or the end of the period referred to a high level of 

pleasant feeling will happen? 


A. Libido 

B. Masturbation 

C. Euphoria 

D. Disgamiya 

E. Orgasm * 


168-question. What is the combination of a sexual relationship between a couple of 

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