414-question. Triftazinning daily therapeutic dose.
A. 30-50 mg (mild cases)
B. 60-80 mg (shizofreniyada)
C. 3-8 mg (mild cases)
D. 10-20 mg (shizofreniyada)
E. A correct answer and V *
415-question. Triftazin dose of psychomotor excitement.
A. 10 ml intramuscular
B. 5 ml intramuscular
C. 1-2 ml intramuscular *
D. 0.4 ml intramuscular
E. Intravenously to 6 ml
416-question. Triftazin what can eliminate?
A. Bradykinesia and oligokineziyani
B. Apatoabulik syndrome and disforiyani *
C. antipsychotic syndrome
D. epileptic attacks
E. Cognitive impairment
417-question. Triftazinning aminazin dictated by the column and galoperidoldan
A. Observed in cases of general weakness and numbness
B. causes less extrapyramidal disorders
C. accelerated to communicate with others
D. memory consolidation
E. A, B, C * correct answer
418-question. Triftazinni with psychotropic drugs can be recommended?
A. Other neyroleptiklar
B. antidepressants
C. Rohypnol
D. psychostimulants
E. All correct answers *
419-question. Alcohol observable delirioz hallucinations, disturbances, psixosomotor dose
of excitement into triftazin muscle?
A. 10 ml intramuscular
B. 5 ml intramuscular
C. 1-2 ml intramuscular *
D. 0.4 ml intramuscular
E. Intravenously to 6 ml
420-question. Triftazin any case, it is recommended again?
A. Neurotic syndrome and psixopatologik
B. vomiting different etiology
C. Apatoabulik abuse
D. Maniakal-depressive psychosis
E. All correct answers *
421-question. Triftazinni circumstances which prevent the website to recommend?
A. Heavy organic diseases of the central nervous system
B. heart and kidney disadvantage
C. Parkinsonism, pregnancy
D. acute inflammatory diseases of the liver
E. All correct answers *
422-question. Triftazinni how to divide his daily dose received approval for a long time?
A. 2-3 times a day *
B. therapeutic dose for a moment in the morning
C. therapeutic dose in the evening in a moment
D. therapeutic doses lunch time
E. Please cider drink
423-question. Triftazin and other similar neyroleptiklar davolayotganda with
extrapyramidal disorders and arterial hypotension drug begins to bother the patient?
A. Caffeine and sodium benzoate (20%, 10 ml)
B. Adrenaline (0.1% 1 ml)
C. caffeine and sodium benzoate (20% 2 ml) *
D. Nootropil (20%, 10 ml)
E. Tramadol (TRAM) 1 ml
424-question. Triftazinning have any flaws?
A. Parkinsonism, akathisia, dystonic call *
B. increase of epileptic attacks
C. Fazmofobiya, abstinence, adipic calls
D. Aktsentuatsiya Eventually, the call ginekofiliya
E. Increase patient and vomiting hiccup
425-question. Tizertsin (levomepromazin) doses produced?
A. 1 mg, 0.2% 1 ml ampoule
B. 2 mg, 0.5% 2 ml ampoule
C. 25 mg, 2.5% 1 ml ampoule *
D. 5 mg, 5%, 10 ml ampoule
E. 10 mg, 2% 2 ml ampoule
426-question. Tizertsin have any effect?
A. Antipsychotic
B. sedative-somnogen
C. analgesic drugs
D. anticonvulsant
E. A, B, C * correct answer
427-question. Tizertsin which is included in a group of drugs?
A. Neyroleptiklar *
B. sedative drugs
S. Benzodiazepines
D. Antikonvulsantlar
E. Psychostimulants
428-question. Tizertsin aminazin and galoperidoldan contrast, has a mild antidepressant
and a strong somnogen. MDP and endogenous depression should be recommended doses?
A. 5 mg 3 times a day
B. from 1 mg 3 times a day
C. 10 mg 3 times a day
D. 25 mg 3 times a day *
E. 50 mg 3 times a day
429-question. Tizertsinning starting dose for adults
A. 5 mg
B. 1 mg
C. 10 mg
D. 25 mg *
E. 50 mg
430-question. Tizertsin advised what time of day do you start?
A. In the first half of the day
B. In the second half of the day
C. In the evening before going to sleep
D. Depending on the situation at any time *
E. Early nahorda
431-question. Tizertsinning daily therapeutic dose.
A. 50-75 mg (mild cases)
B. 100-200 mg (shizofreniyada)
C. 15-30 mg (mild cases)
D. 30-50 mg (shizofreniyada)
E. A correct answer and V *
432-question. Tizertsin dose of psychomotor excitement.
A. 3-5, 1-2 ml of 0.5% ml intramuscular procaine solution
B. 1-2 ml of 0.9% in 10-20 ml of saline solution intravenously
C. 1-2 ml of 40% in 10-20 ml of glucose in Norwegian
D. 1-2 ml of 0.9% in 100-200 ml of saline intravenous drip
E. All the ways *
433-question. Tizertsin in any case the most effective?
A. Alcohol poisoning is associated with psychosis
B. Involyutsion psychosis
C. Maniakal-depressive psychosis
D. reactive depression and anxiety and psychosis
E. Cognitive impairment
434-question. Tizertsinning aminazin dictated by the column and galoperidoldan
A. Has a mild antidepressant effect
B. causes less extrapyramidal disorders
C. strong cause cardiovascular disorders
D. memory consolidation
E. A, B, C * correct answer
435-question. Tizertsinni with psychotropic drugs can be recommended?
A. Other neyroleptiklar
B. antidepressants
C. Rohypnol
D. psychostimulants
E. All correct answers *
436-question. Out tizertsinni practice cases can be recommended?
A. Giperstenik case of neurosis
B. insomnia, itching, dermatitis, accompanied by
C., accompanied by worry vegetonevrozlarda
D. This is not medicine outpatient practice
E. A, B, C correct answers
437-question. Tizertsinni circumstances which prevent the website to recommend?
A. Heavy organic diseases of the central nervous system
B. heart and kidney disadvantage
C. Parkinsonism, pregnancy
D. acute inflammatory diseases of the liver
E. All correct answers *
438-question. Tell Tizertsinning side effects?
A. Extrapyramidal disorders (including tremor)
B. arterial hypotension, dizziness, ataxia
C. dry mouth, constipation
D. sleep, psychomotor excitement
E. A, B, C * correct answer
439-question. Tizertsinni how to divide his daily dose received approval for a long time?
A. 2-3 times a day *
B. therapeutic dose for a moment in the morning
C. therapeutic dose in the evening in a moment
D. therapeutic doses lunch time
E. Please cider drink
440-question. Tizertsin and other similar neyroleptiklar davolayotganda with
extrapyramidal disorders and arterial hypotension drug begins to bother the patient?
A. Caffeine and sodium benzoate (20%, 10 ml)
B. Adrenaline (0.1% 1 ml)
C. caffeine and sodium benzoate (20% 2 ml) *
D. Nootropil (20%, 10 ml)
E. Tramadol (TRAM) 1 ml
441-question. Ketilept doses produced?
A. 25, 100, 150, 200, and 300 mg tablets li *
B. 2.5, 10, 15, 20, 30 mg tablets li
C. 2 ml of 2.5%, 0.5% 1 mL ampules
D. 0.25, 0.1, 1.5, 2 and 3 mg tablets li
E. 250, 250, and 500 mg tablets li
442-question. Ketilept have any effect?
A. Antipsychotic
B. sedative-somnogen
C. analgesic drugs
D. anticonvulsant
E. A, B, C * correct answer
443-question. Ketilept which is included in a group of drugs?
A. Benzodiazepines
B. A typical antipsychotic
S. Atypical neyroleptiklar *
D. Antikonvulsantlar
E. Psychostimulants
444-question. Maniakal sharp-depressive psychosis ketilept which is recommended under
the scheme?
A. 5 mg (1-day), 10 mg (2 days), 20 mg (3 days), 30 mg (4-day)
B. 50 mg (Day 1), 100 mg (2-day), 200 mg (3-day), 300 mg (4-day) *
C. 50 mg (1-week), 100 mg (2 weeks), 200 mg (3-week), 300 mg (4 weeks)
D. 12.5 mg (Day 1), 25 mg (2 days), 50 mg (3 days), 75 mg (4-day)
E. 25 mg (1-week), 35 mg (2 weeks), 45 mg (3-week), 55 mg (4 weeks)
445-question. Ketileptning starting dose for adults
A. 5 mg
B. 1 mg
C. 10 mg
D. 25 mg *
E. 50 mg
446-question. Ketilept advised what time of day do you start?
A. In the first half of the day
B. In the second half of the day
C. in the evening before going to sleep *
D. Any time
E. Early nahorda
447-question. Ketileptning daily therapeutic dose.
A.100-200 mg (mild cases)
B. 300-600 mg (shizofreniyada)
C. 10-30 mg (mild cases)
D. 30-50 mg (shizofreniyada)
E. A correct answer and V *
448-question. Ketilept any doses given during childhood and adolescence.
A. 50 mg
B. 100 mg
C. 10 mg
D. 25 mg
E. Not recommended for children and adolescents *
449-question. Ketilept any case, it is recommended?
A. Schizophrenia, acute and chronic psychosis
B. reactive psychosis, insomnia
C. Maniakal-depressive psychosis
D. cognitive impairment
E. A, B, C * correct answer
450-question. Ketileptning typical neyroleptiklar (aminazin and galoperidol) from the front
edge of the website
A. Has a mild antidepressant effect
B. causes less extrapyramidal disorders
C. strong cause cardiovascular disorders
D. memory consolidation
E. A, B, C * correct answer
451-question. Ketilept weak and elderly patients doses are recommended?
A. 150 mg
B. 100 mg
C. 10 mg
D. 25 mg *
E. 0.25-0.5 mg
452-question. Ketileptni circumstances which prevent the website to recommend?
A. Heavy organic diseases of the central nervous system
B. childhood and adolescence
C. Parkinsonism, pregnancy
D. The liver and kidney failure, arterial hypotension
E. All correct answers *
453-question. Tell Ketileptning side effects?
A. Akathisia, dystonic dyskinesias
B. orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, ataxia
C. epileptic attacks may increase
D. sleep, psychomotor excitement
E. A, B, C * correct answer
454-question. Ketilept and other similar neyroleptiklar davolayotganda with
extrapyramidal disorders and arterial hypotension drug begins to bother the patient?
A. Caffeine and sodium benzoate (20%, 10 ml)
B. Adrenaline (0.1% 1 ml)
C. caffeine and sodium benzoate (20% 2 ml) *
D. Nootropil (20%, 10 ml)
E. Tramadol (TRAM) 1 ml
457-question. Ketileptning have any flaws?
A. Parkinsonism, akathisia, dystonic calls
B. orthostatic hypotension calls
C. strong cause drowsiness
D. Aktsentuatsiya Eventually, the call ginekofiliya
E. A, B, C * correct answer
458-question. Olanzapine (zipreksa Olza, egolanza) doses produced?
A. 15 mg, 50 mg tablets li
B. 0 to 0.5 mg, 1 mg tablets li
C. vial containing 10 mg of olanzapine
D. 5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg tablets li
E. Answers C and D *
459-question. Olanzapine is having any effect?
A. Antipsixotik *
B. Somnogen
C. analgesic drugs
D. anticonvulsant
E. Neyrometabolik
460-question. Olanzapine, which is included in a group of drugs?
A. Benzodiazepines
B. A typical antipsychotic
S. Atypical neyroleptiklar *
D. Antikonvulsantlar
E. Psychostimulants
461-question. Olanzapine any case, it is recommended?
A. Schizophrenia, acute and chronic psychosis
B. reactive psychosis, insomnia
C. Maniakal-depressive psychosis
D. cognitive impairment
E. A, B, C * correct answer
462-question. Adult starting dose of olanzapine
A. 5 mg *
B. 1 mg
C. 0.25 mg
D. 25 mg
E. 50 mg
463-question. Olanzapine is advised what time of day do you start?
A. In the first half of the day
B. In the second half of the day
C. In the evening before going to sleep
D. at the same time *
E. Early nahorda
464-question. Daily therapeutic dose of olanzapine.
A.100-200 mg
B. 10-20 mg *
C. 0.25-0.5 mg
D. 30-50 mg
E. 300-500 mg
465-question. Olanzapine doses are given during childhood and adolescence.
A. 50 mg
B. 100 mg
C. 10 mg
D. 25 mg
E. Not recommended for children and adolescents *
466-question. The circumstances of olanzapine, which recommended an obstacle to the
A. Heavy organic diseases of the central nervous system
B. childhood and adolescence
C. Parkinsonism, pregnancy
D. The liver and kidney failure, arterial hypotension
E. All correct answers *
467-question. Tell side effects of olanzapine?
A. Akathisia, dystonic dyskinesias
B. sometimes dangerous antipsychotic syndrome
C. epileptic attacks may increase
D. sleep, psychomotor excitement
E. A, B, C * correct answer
468-question. Olanzapine and other similar neyroleptiklar davolayotganda with
extrapyramidal disorders and arterial hypotension drug begins to bother the patient?
A. Caffeine and sodium benzoate (20%, 10 ml)
B. Adrenaline (0.1% 1 ml)
C. caffeine and sodium benzoate (20% 2 ml) *
D. Nootropil (20%, 10 ml)
E. Tramadol (TRAM) 1 ml
469-question. Olanzapine have any flaws?
A. Parkinsonism, akathisia, dystonic
B. orthostatic hypotension
C. Sometimes the strong drowsiness
D. Aktsentuatsiya Eventually, ginekofiliya
E. A, B, C * correct answer
470-question. Risperidone (rispolept rispaksol sedareks) doses produced?
A. 1 mg, 2 mg and 4 mg tablets li *
B. 0.5 mg, 0.1 mg tablets li
C. 100 mg tablets
D. 5 mg, 7.5 mg, 10 mg tablets li
E. 15 mg, 25 mg and 50 mg tablets li
471-question. Rispolept have any effect?
A. Antipsixotik *
B. Somnogen
C. analgesic drugs
D. anticonvulsant
E. Neyrometabolik
472-question. Rispolept which recommended age to start?
A. 5 years
B. 25 years
C. 20 years
D. the age of 15 *
E. 3 years
473-question. Rispolept which is included in a group of drugs?
A. Benzodiazepines
B. A typical antipsychotic
S. Atypical neyroleptiklar *
D. Antikonvulsantlar
E. Psychostimulants
474-question. Rispolept any case, it is recommended?
A. Schizophrenia, acute and chronic psychosis
B. reactive psychosis, insomnia
C. Maniakal-depressive psychosis
D. aggression is manifested by mental retardation
E. All correct answers *
475-question. Autoagressiya aggression and impulsive actions that will show how mental
vulnerability rispolept dose is recommended?
A. 16 mg
B. 2-4 mg *
C. 0.25 mg
D. 25 mg
E. 50 mg
476-question. Rispoleptning starting dose for adults
A. 5 mg
B. 1-2 mg *
C. 0.25 mg
D. 25 mg
E. 50 mg
477-question. Rispoleptning daily therapeutic dose.
A. 20 mg
B. 10 mg *
C. 50 mg
D. 2 mg
E. 100 mg
478-question. Rispolept any doses given during childhood and adolescence.
A. 50 mg
B. 100 mg
C. 1-2 mg *
D. 25 mg
E. 0.25 mg
479-question. Tell Rispoleptning side effects?
A. Akathisia, dystonic dyskinesias
B. sometimes dangerous antipsychotic syndrome
C. epileptic attacks may increase
D. sleep, psychomotor excitement
E. A, B, C * correct answer
480-question. Sanopaks doses produced?
A. 1 mg, 2 mg and 4 mg tablets li
B. 0.5 mg, 0.1 mg tablets li
C. 10 mg, 25 mg, 100 mg tablets li *
D. 5 mg, 7.5 mg, 15 mg tablets li
E. 15 mg, 30 mg and 50 mg tablets li
481-question. Sanopaks is recommended in the following cases:
A. MDP, schizophrenia, reactive psychosis
B. accompanied by fear and anxiety neurosis
C. abstinence syndrome, Xantington install xoreyasi
D. Depression, accompanied by skin diseases, scabies
E. All correct answers *
482-question. Sanopaks have any effect?
A. Antipsychotic
B. Somnogen
C. antidepressant
D. anticonvulsant
E. A, B, C * correct answer
483-question. Distributed sanopaksning daily dose of various ages.
A. 4-7 years (10-20 mg daily)
B. 8-14 years (20-30 mg daily)
C. 15-18 years old (30-50 mg daily)
D. adults (100-200 mg per day)
E. All correct answers *
484-question. Sanopaksning daily therapeutic dose is distributed?
A. 3 times a day *
B. in the evening before bedtime
C. Early Renaissance
D. the day at 14.00
E. Early nahorda
485-question. Sanopaks which recommended age to start?
A. 18 years
B. 8-10 years
C. 4-5 years *
D. 15 years
E. 1-3 years
486-question. Sanopaks which is included in a group of drugs?
A. Benzodiazepines
B. A typical antipsychotic
S. Atypical neyroleptiklar *
D. Antikonvulsantlar
E. Psychostimulants
487-question. Sanopaks widely used in psychosomatic disorders and neyrodermatitlarda.
His daily dose.
A. 25-7 mg *
B. 2-4 mg
C. 0,25-10 mg
D. 250 mg
E. 300 mg
488-question. Sanopaksni how much time can be recommended?
A. 10 days
B. 2 weeks
C. 2-3 months *
D. 6 months
E. 1 year
489-question. Sanopaksning antipsixotik when the effect is most evident?
A. After 3 days
B. After 2 weeks *
After 3 months of C.
D. After 6 months
E. Drank from the date of
490-question. Tell Sanopaksning side effects?
A. Late dyskinesia
B. sometimes dangerous antipsychotic syndrome
C. epileptic attacks may increase
D. sleep, psychomotor excitement
E. A, B, C * correct answer
491-question. Sanopaksning other neyroleptiklardan What is the rule?
A. Calls for very low extrapyramidal disorders
B. antipsychotic syndrome have been observed
C. psychosomatic disorders and neyrodermatitlarda very effective
Children and adults can recommend outpatient D.
E. All correct answers *
492-question. Sanopaksni recommended to ensure these cases:
A. Severe cardiovascular diseases, severe arterial hypotension, bradycardia
B. severe depressive episodes, neyrodegenerativ diseases
C. Feoxromotsitoma, porphyria, blood diseases
D. pregnancy, lactation, the period of 4 years
E. All correct answers *
493-question. Sulpiride (Eglon) doses produced?
A. Li tablet 50 mg., 200 mg capsule li. and 5% 2 ml (100 mg) amp.
B. li tablet 10 mg., 20 mg capsule li. and 0.5% 5 ml (10 mg) amp.
C. Lee tablet 5 mg., 10 mg capsule li. 0.05% 10 ml (50 mg) amp.
D. li 1 mg tablet. 15 mg capsule li. and 4 ml of 15% (200 mg) amp.
E. 3 mg li tablet. 30 mg capsule li. and 0.3% 1 ml (10 mg) amp.
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