components called?
A. Libido
B. Disgamiya *
C. frigidity
D. Disgamiya
E. Orgasm
169-question. Psevdodermatologik syndrome is shown with the character?
A. Gerepetik rash
B. Kardiosenestopatiya, impotence, hemorrhagic
C. Pollakuriya, dysuria, tsistalgiya
D. neuralgia, kardialgiya radikulalgiya
E. Itching, giperesteziya alopetsiya *
170-question. Three've kind of neurosis.
A. Phobias, ipoxondriya euphoria
B. Tserebrasteniya encephalopathy, depression
C. neurasthenia, hysteria, brain opinions do not *
D. Psixopatiya vegetative state dystonic maniakal
E. Dysthymic, dysphoria, apathy
171-question. "Great wily" What is the name of the disease?
A. Tserebrasteniya
B. hysteria *
C. Neurosis
D. Psixopatiya
E. Ganz syndrome
172-question. Mental injury, then what are called to stare?
A. Ceramic
B. Stress
C. Katapleksiya
D. Stupor *
E. Konvulsiya
173-question. Fear will be reflected in the type of neurosis website
A. Phobias *
B. hysteria
C. neurasthenia
D. Depression
E. Ipoxondriya
174-question. The fear of heart disease:
A. Klaustrofobiya
B. Lisofobiya
C. Kantserofobiya
D. Mikrogiriya
E. Kardiofobiya *
175-question. What is the fear of cancer is called?
A. Klaustrofobiya
B. Lisofobiya
C. Kantserofobiya *
D. Mikrogiriya
E. Kardiofobiya
176-question. What is the fear of open places called?
A. Klaustrofobiya
B. Lisofobiya
C. Kantserofobiya
D. Mikrogiriya
E. Agarofobiya *
177-question. The fear of being called mentally ill?
A. Klaustrofobiya
B. Lisofobiya *
C. Kantserofobiya
D. Mikrogiriya
E. Agarofobiya
178-question. Disruption of brain insulin neyropsixologik for?
A. Gemiparez gemianesteziya monoanesteziya
B. depression, euphoria, dysphoria, apathy,
C. Oneyroid dizesteziya dissomniya affekt
D. aphasia, agnoziya APRACA anozognoziya *
E. Giperkinez, parkinsonism, dementia, amentsiya
179-question. The left hemisphere stroke neyropsixologik for failure?
A. Speech disorders *
B. Emotional indifference
C. Anozognoziya
D. Autotopognoziya
E. Ambliopiya
180-question. The right hemisphere stroke neyropsixologik for failure?
A. Speech disorders
B. Anozognoziya autotopognoziya *
C. Anozognoziya
D. Autotopognoziya
E. Ambliopiya
181-question. Emotional befarklik and specific body for the scheme, which is a violation of
a stroke?
A. Insulin to the brain
B. to the left hemisphere stroke
C. Vertebrobazillyar for stroke
* D. The right hemisphere stroke
E. Po'stlog'osti for stroke
182-question. Concern about the strong and specific speech disorder, for which a stroke?
A. Insulin to the brain
B. to the left hemisphere stroke *
C. Vertebrobazillyar for stroke
D. The right hemisphere stroke
E. Po'stlog'osti for stroke
183-question. Brain injuries after neyropsixologik and will psixopatologik failure?
A. Apalta syndrome, stroke, ambliopiya
B. Gemianesteziya gemiparez dizesteziya
C. Tserebrasteniya, amnesia, psychosis *
D. Melanxoliya, parkinsonism, hyperkinesis
E. Puerilizm anosmiya senestopatiya
184-question. What is meningitis patients may develop mental disorders?
A. Various sensory disorders
B. different speech disorders
C. Different strokes
D. chronic hypertension in the brain
E. Various psychotic disorders *
185-question. List the most common complications in patients with encephalitis.
A. Sleep disorders, hyperkinesis and parkinsonism *
B. different speech disorders
C. Different strokes
D. chronic hypertension in the brain
E. Various psychotic disorders
186-question. Epixarakter what disease?
A. Brain injuries
B. Epilepsy *
C. Entsefalitda
D. Absansda
E. Psixopatiyada
187-question. What is the aura of epilepsy?
A. Complications of epilepsy
B. symptom of epilepsy
C. Aura - this epixarakter
D. epileptic dementia
E. Epilepsy is the messenger *
188-question. Epilepsiyaning 3 type of website.
A. Tonic, clonic, mioklonik
B. Primary, secondary, and tertiary
C. etiological, pathogenetic, cryptogenic
D. symptomatic idiopathic, cryptogenic *
E. West, Lennox-Gaston and Rasmussen syndrome
189-question. Specific emotional disturbances, epilepsy website.
A. A lengthy, impatiently, to be sad, dysphoric *
B. Anozognoziya autotopognoziya illusion
C. Oneyroid puerilizm dipsomaniya
D. Ipoxondriya katalepsiya nekrofobiya
E. Dementia, depression, hysteria
190-question. When epileptic dementia develops?
A. The first attacks began immediately
B. A few years later *
C. After three episode
D. First, dementia, epilepsy develops after.
E. Both will be shown in parallel.
191-question. Epilepsy drugs, which are used?
A. Caffeine, thiamine, calcium chloride,
B. Tenoks, olanzapine galoperidol
C. Tizertsin etaperazin Nako
D. citicoline, choline alfostserat anaprilin
E. Carbamazepine, valproate, Keppel, topiramate *
192-question. Alcohol, drugs and toxic substances suddenly stopped syndrome to develop?
A. Epileptic syndrome
B. antipsychotic syndrome
C. toxic encephalopathy
D. abstinence syndrome *
E. Parkinsonism
193-question. Series is compatible with 3-stage drug?
A. Adaptation, abstinentsiya, fatigue *
B. Abstinentsiya, fatigue, adaptation
C. Funtsional, psychotic, organic
D. Tiredness, abstinentsiya adaptation
E. Primary, secondary burner
194-question. How syndrome There is a lot of drug use?
A. Giperkinetik syndrome
B. Neyrorespirator syndrome
C. parkinsonian syndrome
D. epileptic syndrome
E. Psychosomatic syndrome *
195-question. In accordance with the practice of surgical, medical and psychological
measures, which will be held during the period?
A. During the operation
B. before and after surgery *
C. mental patient during surgery
D. Coward patients
E. Operation ko'ndirayotganda
196-question. Emotional disturbances may develop after birth?
A. Epilepsy and dementia
B. Parkinsonism and hyperkinesis
C. apathy, depression and psychosis *
D. low back pain
E. Transient ischemic attacks
197-question. After myocardial infarction is the most common neurotic disorder?
A. Ipoxondriya *
B. Epilepsy
C. dysphoric
D. encephalopathy
E. Tserebrasteniya
198-question. There is a lot of climacteric syndrome emotional disturbances?
A. Psevdodermatologik failure
B. Psevdonevrologik failure
C. Psixovegetativ and cardiovascular disorders *
D. Psixoseksual failure
E. Impotence, frigidity, vaginizm
199-question. Climacteric most common violations during this attack:
A. Suddenly overheating, perspiration pressure, tachycardia *
B. Gastrointestinal disturbances
C. suddenly fainted
D. happen Absans
E. Aura monitored amnesia
200-question. There is a lot of oncological diseases of any emotional disturbances?
A. Depersonalizatsiya, Abul
B. Aura, abstinentsiya akayriya
C. Oneyroid deliriya affekt
D. phobias, ipoxondriya cue *
E. Pain, malnutrition, anorexia
201-question. Psychological test for what purpose?
A. Correction
B. psychotherapy
C. diagnostic purposes *
D. Psixosuggestika
E. In order to reassure the patient
202-question. According to the Hamilton scale, which is disease?
A. Isteriyada
B. encephalopathy
C. Nevrasteniyada
D. nervosa
E. Depression *
203-question. Hamilton, who fills the scale?
A. The patient who comes near
B. The patient's relatives
C. Patients
D. Medical *
E. The doctor or patient
204-question. Spielberg Hani, who fills the scale?
A. The patient who comes near
B. The patient's relatives
C. Patients *
D. Medical
E. The doctor or patient
205-question. Spielberg-evaluated what Hani scale?
A. Reactive and personal anxiety *
B. Depression
C. Attention and memory
D. intelligence
E. Perception
206-question. Tsung with the scale of what is evaluated?
A. Phobias and anxiety
B. Depression *
C. Attention and memory
D. intelligence
E. Perception
207-question. Ekstraversiya intraversiya and neyrotizmni which scale is used to determine?
A. Hamilton scale
B. The scale of the promissory note
C. Tsung scale
D. Spielberg-scale Hanis
E. Ayzenk scale *
208-question. IQ index of the most commonly used scale to assess the website?
A. Hamilton scale
B. The scale of the promissory note *
C. Tsung scale
D. Spielberg-scale Hanis
E. Ayzenk scale
209-question. According to the assessment of the level of Oligofreniya which scale is used?
A. Hamilton scale
B. The scale of the promissory note *
C. Tsung scale
D. Spielberg-scale Hanis
E. Ayzenk scale
210-question. According to the assessment of the characteristics of the person, which scale
is used?
A. Hamilton scale
B. The scale of the promissory note
C. Tsung scale
D. Spielberg-scale Hanis
E. Ayzenk scale *
211-question. Easily be emotional, excessive anxiety, always walk in this tense psychological
A. Neyrotizm *
B. Ekstraversiya
C. Intraversiya
D. Depression
E. Psixopatiya
212-question. What does it mean to treat heart and soul?
A. Gipnoterapiya
B. psychotherapy *
C. deontology
D. psychoanalysis
E. Geshtalterapiya
213-question. Special effects by using the sleep mode (unconscious state), what do you call
A. Hypnosis *
B. Dismneziya
C. insomnia
D. Somnologiya
E. Obnubulyatsiya
214-question. Hypnosis is one of the stages:
A. Stupor
B. Dismneziya
C. Amentsiya
D. Deliriya
E. Somnambuliya *
215-question. The most effective correction of various psychosomatic disorders website.
A. Pharmacotherapy
B. Gipnoterapiya *
C. Neyroreabilitatsiya
D. approach
E. Physiotherapy
216-question. Unclear what pharmacological treatment with drugs called distortions?
A. Psixofarmakoterapiya *
B. Pharmacognosy
C. psychotherapy
D. Sedativnaya therapy
E. Platseboterapiya
217-question. They are widely used in the treatment of depression, drugs:
A. Rohypnol
B. sedative drugs
C. Neyroleptiklar
D. Antixolinesteraz drugs
E. Antidepressants *
218-question. Medical error because the employees do not have the patient before the
disease appeared in what is called?
A. Phobias
B. hysteria
C. insomnia
D. Yatropatiya *
E. Ipoxondriya
219-question. Drugs having sedative drugs.
A. Neyroleptiklar
B. Nootroplar
C. sedative drugs *
D. Rohypnol
E. Psychotropic drugs
220-question. Which antidepressants are drugs?
A. Tazepam nazepam elenium
B. Valerio extract, novopassit
C. Galoperidol triftazin aminazin
D. amitriptyline, velaksin, fluvoxamine, alprazolam *
E. Nako, ProZers Memantine, valproate
221-question. What are sedative drugs?
A. Tazepam nazepam elenium
B. Valerio extract, novopassit *
C. Galoperidol triftazin aminazin
D. amitriptyline, velaksin, fluvoxamine, alprazolam
E. Nako, ProZers Memantine, valproate
222-question. What are the Trankvilizatorlarga?
A. Tazepam nazepam elenium *
B. Valerio extract, novopassit
C. Galoperidol triftazin aminazin
D. amitriptyline, velaksin, fluvoxamine, alprazolam
E. Nako, ProZers Memantine, valproate
223-question. Nootroplarga What are drugs?
A. Tazepam nazepam elenium
B. Valerio extract, novopassit
C. Galoperidol triftazin aminazin
D. Khalid alfostserat GEROLIN piratsetam *
E. Nako, ProZers, valproate
224-question. Neyroleptiklarga What are drugs?
A. Tazepam nazepam elenium
B. Valerio extract, novopassit
C. Galoperidol triftazin aminazin *
D. Khalid alfostserat GEROLIN piratsetam
E. Nako, ProZers Memantine, valproate
225-question. Tell drug, which has sedative properties of the drug
A. Sedative drugs
B. antidepressants
C. Nootroplar
D. Rohypnol *
E. Antikonvulsantlar
226-question. Tell a group of drugs used in the practice of psychiatry
A. Rohypnol
B. antidepressants
C. Nootroplar
D. Neyroleptiklar *
E. Antikonvulsantlar
227-question. Psixasteniya and apatiyada widely used drugs are:
A. * Psychostimulants
B. antidepressants
C. Nootroplar
D. Neyroleptiklar
E. Antikonvulsantlar
228-question. Anksiolitiklar synonyms:
A. Psychostimulants
B. sedative drugs
C. Nootroplar
D. Rohypnol *
E. Antikonvulsantlar
229-question. Children Anksiolitiklarning 1 What are drugs?
A. Depakin, olanzapine
B. Busipron ketilept
C. Diazepam, nozepam
D. Benaktizin, buspirone
E. Meprobamat gidroksizin *
230-question. Children Anksiolitiklarning 2 What are drugs?
A. Benzodiazepines *
B. Antikonvulsantlar
C. sedative drugs
D. Neyroleptiklar
E. Psychostimulants
230-question. List Anksiolitiklarning 3-generation drugs
A. Meprobomat
B. Benaktizin
C. buspirone *
D. Gidroksizin
E. Imipramine
231-question. Anksiolitiklar especially when it is used?
A. Dementsiyada
B. Oligofreniyada
C. Fear, panic, anxiety *
D. Narkolepsiyada
E. Epilepsy
232-question. Benzodiazepines have any pharmacological properties?
A. Sedative, diuretic
B. anticonvulsant, amnestic
C. reduce autonomic disorders
D. Miorelaksant
E. All correct answers *
233-question. Do not walking alprazolam what?
A. Performance
B. acceptance of its analogs,
C. Alcohol Drinking
D. driving
E. All correct answers *
234-question. World Health Organization experts recommend antidepressants take the
time to walk depression?
A. 4-6 months *
B. 1-2 months
C. for 3 years
D. 1 month
E. Within 2 weeks
235-question. The therapeutic effect of antidepressants usually begin?
A. Drank from the date of
B. After 1-2 months
C. After 5-7 days *
D. After 2-3 hours
E. After 2-4 months
236-question. What is the most effective destruction of antidepressants?
A. Isteriyada
B. reactive psychosis
C. epileptic attacks
D. Obsessive-compulsive disorders *
E. Parkinsonism
237-question. Receiving therapeutic doses of antidepressants, which suddenly stopped,
what will happen?
A. There depression and sometimes suicide move *
B. suicide will take place the next day.
C. abstinence syndrome develops
D. Katotonik syndrome occurs
E. Antipsychotic syndrome occurs
238-question. In addition to increasing the effectiveness of antidepressants treatment
methods must be used?
A. Antikonvulsantlarni
B. sedative drugs
C. Fizioterapiyani
D. counseling *
E. Gomeopatiyani
239-question. List antidepressants
A. Sertraline, tsitalopram arise fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, tianeptin *
B. Alprosiadil isradipin driptan metantelin, tolterodine, oksibutin
C. Detruzitol avoneks kopakson terodilin neyromidin Spasmeks
D. Yumeks, pramipexole, bromokriptin trigeksifidil abergin
E. Topiramate, felbamat, phenytoin, gabapentin, primidone, etosuksimid
240-question. Nozepam called again?
A. Oksazepam *
B. Tazepam
C. lorazepam
D. Nitrozepam
E. Valium
241-question. Nozepamning starting dose
A. 30-40 mg
B. 5-10 mg *
C. 50-100 mg
D. 0,1-0,5 mg
E. 0,25-0,50 mg
242-question. Fluvoxamine (treatment) doses produced?
A. 150 and 300 mg
B. 5 and 10 mg
C., 0.5, and 0.10 mg
D. 0.25 and 0.50 mg
E. 50 and 100 mg *
243-question. Fluvoxamine (treatment), the initial dose
A. 50 mg *
B. 10 mg *
C. 0.5 mg
D. 0.25 mg
E. 200 mg
244-question. Fluvoxamine (treatment) advised what time of day do you start?
A. Afternoon
B. Morning
C. afternoon
D. night *
E. Nahorga
245-question. Fluvoxamine (treatment) of the daily dose can be up to several mg?
A. 150 mg
B. 900 mg
C. 0.75 mg
D. 100 mg
E. 300 mg *
246-question. Fluvoxamine (treatment) which may be recommended from the age?
A. 8 *
B. 18 years
C. 3 years
D. 30 years
E. 1 year
247-question. Fluvoxamine (treatment) in patients who received the drugs can not be
A. Trankvilizatorlarni
B. Neyroleptiklarni
C. MAO inhibitors *
D. sedative drugs
E. Neyrometaboliklarni
248-question. Established in patients with epilepsy, depression, and fluvoxamine
(treatment) to recommend?
A. Can be recommended only during childhood
B. epilepsy should be advised dementsiyada
C. in high doses has recommended approval
D. No, you can not
E. Can be recommended *
249-question. Fluvoxamine (treatment) is recommended to go to the listed circumstances
A. While taking MAO inhibitors, children under the age of 8
V. Epilepsy (may be recommended in case of necessity)
S. Pregnant women, is caution, not during lactation.
D. Blood is required for those who have a tendency to go.
E. All the correct answers *
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