HNU Form) 2 Study Plan Personal Information 1. Name: Haydarov Mukhriddin 2. The program you want to apply: Master’s Program ( IT) 3. The department which you want to apply: 4. The major you would like to study: Study Plan
First of all, I must say that I am very interested in IT, because in my youth I studied mathematics and computer science at a high marks at school, and I have been using my personal computer for various computer games, programming, internet and other purposes. So, in 2017, I applied for a bachelor's degree at a university called the Tashkent University of Information Technology branch, and fortunately I became a student this year. During the period I have had different experience and I hope in the future It will be very useful for me.
Tell us the reasons that you are applying to this program .
There are a number of reasons for me to choose this sphere.First of all, this sphere is considered as the fastest changing industry.The Information Technology industry operates at a speed much faster than any other industry and for this reason, there’s always a significant demand for highly-skilled workers. With the innovations in cloud computing, big data, and cybersecurity an aspiring I.T. professional has many avenues to pursue and grow from. Besides, It is a well-known fact that Information Technology professionals are paid well, compared to other professionals. An I.T. professional with the right mix of certifications and experience can find a permanent position in either the public or private sector. So, I have decided to choose this area.
3.Your plan after you have completed After graduation of masters I have diverse plans.The most important one is to contribute to the development of my country by working. I can work in IT centres in my local area.AS iT is considered one of the fastest developing spheres I will have a lot of choices to work after graduating masters. I can learn this field very well in South Korea because I guess this country is very appropirate to study and the same time I think I have enough knowledge .
Tell us what area you would like to focus in the program, and specific interest regarding the subject that you want to study.
As a student who studies IT , I want to be amastwr.of my own sphere. So I should learn IT in detail.I also want to focus on news of this sphere as it operayes faster than any other areas.Information technology is the field of millennial. Aspiring I.T. professionals must know that in order to succeed in the I.T. field they must be committed to learning and adapting to new technological advancements in order to stay competitive. This entails getting the right mix of experience and certifications. I.T. professionals that stay on top of the latest tech trends will have many career options to choose from.