One member-sentences with subject referring to no particular
person or to people in general:1)the action is addressed to everybody,
in the majority of cases in these sentences
exclamation or appeal is
expressed: O’zining butun kuch-quvvatini,
bilimini hormay-tolmay
xalq xizmatiga sarf etayotgan o’qituvchilarimizni sharaflaylik ! (
I.Rasulov); 2) the action which doesn’t belong to the definite time and
place; these one-member sentences consist of proverbs expressing
Uzbek nation’s customs, traditions, experiences obtained in the cause
of centuries: O’xshatmaguncha uchratmas; Oz-oz o’rganib dono bo’lur;
Haqni aytsang , urarlar, xushomadni suyarlar; Tanimasni siylamas;
Bildingki, bevafodir, ko’ngil qo’ymoq xatodir.
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