im , sizning kitob
ingiz , uning kitob
i , bizning kitob
imiz ,
sizning kitob
ingiz , ularning kitob
lar i .
Government is a syntactical tie where the head word of the word
combination governs the adjunct ( the dependent word) to receive the
grammatical form which doesn’t exist in it. The government exists in
compared languages . In English government is used to combine two
nouns: the noun in the function of the attribute is usually used in the
genitive case: (A student’s bag - students' bags, father’s house,
mother’s dream). In verbal combinations the verb demands the
personal pronoun to receive corresponding form (Tell him, give me).
There are some verbs which are used with prepositions governing the
object expressed either by the noun or pronoun in English (to insist on,
agree with, suffer from). In this case the verb governs through the
preposition. In Russian governing words may be expressed by different
parts of speech and the head word demands the adjunct to receive the
acquired case form: 1) by a noun (кусочек пирога , чашечку
бульона,); 2) by an adjective (способный к языкам); 3) by a numeral
(пятеро гостей); 4) by a pronoun (кто нибудь из соседей ); 5) by an
Infinitive (гулять в парке , нарисовать картину, варить бульон, не
хотеть молока); 6) by an adverb (диссертация удостоена внимания).
A сoncrete or an abstract ( substantivized) noun is governed by the
head word (выпросить позволения, доверять друзьям ). In Russian
head word governs the adjunct in the following ways: the noun without
preposition : составить план, писать письмо; the noun with
preposition: жить в городе , говорить об искусстве; the noun in the
genitive case : чтение письма , the noun in the genitive case with the
preposition : подарок для дочери, краснеть от стыда, demanding the
adverb : говорить смело , demanding the noun in the accusative case:
cтроить школу, demanding the noun in the dative case : идти в школу.
In the Uzbek language according to the expression of the head word
government can be called as noun government and verb government.
The head word demands the adjunct expressed by the noun to receive
the affixal morphermes of the dative, accusative, locative and ablative
cases in the noun government: boqqa kir, sinfda yozdi, do’stingdan ol,
xatni yoz; In the verb government the adjunct is combined with the
head word by the help of auxiliaries: adabiyot