qanday, qaysi, necha, qancha in order to define
the quality of the object: G’ulom aka, o’sha vaqtlarda qancha hosil olar
edingiz?( A. Qahhor); 4. by using pronouns
qayerda, qachon, qanday, qanday qilib, nechuk, nima uchun nima sababdan in order
to define the place, the time, the state, the reason or the purpose of the
action to be performed: Qachon keladilar? (A.Qahhor), Men qayoqdan
bilaman uning nima niyatda kelganini?(A.Qahhor); 5. by repeating the
interlocutor’s word out of the sentence uttered by him/her : Olimjonni
siz qachondan beri bilasiz? - Olimjonni?-so’radi Oyqiz (Sh.Rashidov).
Sometimes interrogation in Uzbek is expressed only by a rising
intonation, the word order is as it is in the declarative sentence: Ota,
juda xayol surib qoldingiz?(A.Qahhor).This peculiarity of interrogative
sentences is similar to the English language as we have seen it above.
In some other cases interrogation in Uzbek is expressed by adding the
affixal morphemes
–a(r), -dir to the word performing the function of
the predicate, and by using modal words such as
kerak, shekilli, balki, ehtimol : Hoy-hoy, o’rgilay otasi, muncha qiynaysiz uni? Ilgari durust
edi shekilli?(A.Qahhor).
Interrogative sentences in Uzbek can express different meanings : emotion and various attitude of the speaker towards the
reality: 1. a simple question: Xo’sh, sen o’tkazadigan tajriba nimani
isbot qilishi kerak?(A.Qahhor); 2. a rhetorical question: Bo’yraday
joyga sholg’om ekkan odamga ham suvmi?(Oybek). There is a special
kind of a rhetorical question which is formed by using the words
aytmaysizmi, bo’ladimi : Ertasiga ot og’rib qolsa bo’ladimi?(Oybek).
Rhetoric questions express modal meanings, such as astonishment,
concern, anxiety, hatred, anger, suspicion and agitation: Iyye, men
kimni ko’rayapman?(A.Muxtor) -astonishment; Kanizak mendan qattiq
xafadir? (A Qahhor) - concern; Ko’zing bormi, qanaqa aravakashsan?
(Oybek) - hatred/anger; Paxtalar ham yaxshi ochilmagandir?(R.Fayziy)
-suspicion; Tokaygacha ezilamiz, ota?(Oybek) -agitation.