One- member sentences in Uzbek
are classified in the following
way:1. one-member personal sentences: Shu yorug’ yo’lda sizga baxt
tilayman ; 2. one-member impersonal sentences: Jo’jani
sanaydilar; To’rt-besh kundan keyin terimga tushiladi ; 3. one-member
sentences with the subject referring to no particular person or to people
in general : Dehqon bo’lsang shudgor qil, mulla bo’lsang takror qil; 4.
one-member nominative sentences : Ana sovuq , mana qor! Samarqand.
Registon maydoni.
The linguist I.Rasulov , who thoroughly analyzed one-member
sentences in the structure of the Uzbek language , classified them in the
following way (I.Rasulov.Tanlangan asarlar.Toshkent ,2015,1 jild):
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