i. The topic decides the style of the dialogue.
ii. If the topic of the dialogue is “Discussion on Annual Budget” or “How to make
a computer virus free “or official etc…., the conversation is likely to be formal.
iii. If the topic is “planning for a picnic” or preparing a dish” or personal etc., then
the conversation is likely to be informal
Purpose of Communication: The formal style is usually associated with public purposes.
Example: Schedule of elections, television or radio
The informal style is associated with private or personal purposes.
Example: The same ‘schedule of elections’ if given to a close friend, informal style
can be followed.
Relationship between participants:
Dialogues are based on relationships prevailing in a family or in a society.
2.1.The relationship can be formal, semi-formal or informal. They are categorized as given below:
Officials- government and private organizations
Superiors - working place
Acquaintances(those whom you already met but not intimate)
SEMI - FORMAL CONVERSATION Elders of the community / public figures
Colleagues - work place - but not intimate
Friends - not intimate
Relatives - distant by relationship and contact
Relatives - immediate by relationship but distant by contact
Neighbours - not intimate
Neighbours intimate by contact
In formal conversations, speak only what is essential or unavoidable. The amount of
content will be minimal. The language should be polite and respectful.
In semi-formal conversations, the language should be limited and still be polite and
respectful as it is a conversation with colleagues, friends and neighbours whom we
may not feel free.
In informal conversations, the intimacy level is high. There is no need to be formal,
polite or respectful.
The level of intimacy between you and the other persons will shape what you will say and how you will say it, be it oral or written communication.