R ead the
p a ra g ra p h and answ er the questions.
About 90 percent o f all children in most
countries attend public school, which is free. The
other 10 percent go to private schools,'Which often include additional special education.
schools usually provide general secondary education. Private schools usually include
vocational subjects like business or auto mechanics too and provide elective courses. Public
schools have a lot o f pupils in a classroom. But private schools have fewer s tu d e n ts .^
• How do you think?
• Which is better - private or public school? Why?
3. Speak about good and bad sides of public and private schools.
Answer: Public and private education are two types of education systems thi
countries. Public education is the system o f education that is provided by the govemment and
is available to all citizens free o f charge.) Private education, on the other hand, is provided by
private institutions and requires tuition fees to be paid by the students or their families.
Public education is seen as a fundamental right in
most countries, and it aims to provide quality
education to all children, regardless o f their social or economic backgi ound. Public schools
are funded by the government, and they follow a standardized curriculum that
is approved by
the education department. Public education is typically more affordable than private education,
and it is accessible to a wider range o f students. Private education, on the other hand, is seen
as a luxuiy, and it is typically only available to families who can afford the tuition fees. Private
schools are often seen as providing a better quality of education than
public schools, as they
have more resources, smaller class sizes, and more qualified teachers. Private schools are also
able to offer a more diverse range of programs and activities than public schools.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both public and private education. Public education
is more affordable, accessible, and inclusive, but it may not offer the same quality o f education
as private education.
Private education, on the other hand, is typically more expensive and
exclusive, but it may offer a higher quality of education and more
oppoitunities for students
to excel in their chosen fields
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