16 year old male, jumping from bridge, slipped and struck head on railing before hitting the water.
16 year old male, jumping from bridge, slipped and struck head on railing before hitting the water.
Came up above water, but appears dazed and slow to respond to questions.
His mother brings him to the local emergency department.
On your initial assessment, he is amnestic to the events surrounding his injury, oriented to person, place and time, and is complaining that “the back of my head hurts”. The rest of his exam is unremarkable.
On your initial assessment, he is amnestic to the events surrounding his injury, oriented to person, place and time, and is complaining that “the back of my head hurts”. The rest of his exam is unremarkable.
Be admitted to the Trauma Service for at least 24 hours
Spend the night in the Emergency Department
A. When he says he feels fine
A. When he says he feels fine
B. When his mother thinks he is well enough to play
C. After further evaluation demonstrates that he is no longer suffering from post concussive symptoms.
75 year old woman, tripped over dog, striking head on floor. She sustained a brief + loss of consciousness, prior to waking up with her daughter at her side.
75 year old woman, tripped over dog, striking head on floor. She sustained a brief + loss of consciousness, prior to waking up with her daughter at her side.
Daughter transports her to local Emergency Department.
Daughter transports her to local Emergency Department.
She is awake and alert, and complains of “the worst headache of my life”
She is evaluated by the ED staff, who call you once they see her head CT
Contact case management and arrange for transfer to skilled nursing facility
22 year old man s/p single vehicle MVC vs. tree. EMS finds him unresponsive (GCS 3). He is intubated without drugs, IV access is initiated and he is transported to the ED for evaluation.
22 year old man s/p single vehicle MVC vs. tree. EMS finds him unresponsive (GCS 3). He is intubated without drugs, IV access is initiated and he is transported to the ED for evaluation.
Trauma evaluation notes a right forearm deformity, and scattered abrasions.
Prior to admission to the Trauma Service, he is taken through the CT scanner: