Q214. Who will you remember the most after you finish school,
your friends or your teachers?
A. Sample Answer
I finish school, I will remember my friends more than my teachers.
To begin, I had a
variety of teachers over my school years. All of them were wonderful
and did leave some kind of
impression on me. However, I had one close group of friends from elementary
school all the way
through high school. They were there in some of my happiest and saddest days. I have learned some
much about them I feel like they are practically family. I could never forget my two best friends.
Additionally, my friends and I have created some pretty amazing memories together. For example, I
will never forget the time we stayed up all night at the lake. One of my friends had just found out her
parents were getting a divorce. We got into her car and drove until we were too tired to continue. We
put blankets down on the sand, ate junk food, and talked until she felt better. We did end up getting in
big trouble, but that is still one of the fondest memories I have. So,
while I did have many great
teachers, I will never be able to forget the times I spent with my best friends from school
B. Create new sentences using the expressions below.
(1) a variety of
(2) leave impression on
(3) be engaged to
(4) read between the lines
C. Find an error in each sentence.
(1) I will be never able to forget the time I spent with Jane.
(2) Summer vacation starts at June.
(3) Koreans cannot live off kimchi.
(4) After lunch, they cleared up the area.