III Azərbaycan Plastik Cərrahiyyə Günləri və İSAPS kursu | 31 may – 1 iyun 2014
Azerbaijan Plastic Surgery Days and ISAPS Course | May 31 – June 1, 2014
31 MAY 2014
Gün ərzində QEYDİYYAT
08.25-10.00 Session 1-Facial Rejuvenation
Moderatorlar (Chairmen) : Cemal Şenyuva, Abbas Əhmədli
08.25-08.40 Periorbital muscle modification through upper
bleharoplasty- Kamran Asadi
08.40-08.55 Decision making in midface rejuvenation- Erhan Eryılmaz
08.55-09.10 Step-Lift: is there a strategy for natural facial
rejuvenation- Eric Auclair
09.10-09.25 Endo-lifting of the face: A percutaneous face lifting
technique- Tunç Tiryaki
09.25-09.40 SMAS Modifications in Face Rejuvenation-Nazım Çerkeş
09.40-09.55 My preferred methods in facial rejuvenation-Cemal Şenyuva
09.55-10.00 Muzakirə (Discussion)
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