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This paper was revised by Dr. Paul S. Rosen. It replaces the 

paper entitled Treatment of Gingivitis and Periodontitis which  

was authored by Drs. William F. Ammons, Kenneth L. 

Kalkwarf, and Stephen T. Sonis in May 1993 and revised by 

Dr. Bruce L. Pihlstrom and William F. Ammons in September  

1997. Members of the 2000-2001 Research, Science and 


Therapy Committee include: Drs. David Cochran, Chair; 

Timothy Blieden; Otis J. Bouwsma; Robert E. Cohen; Petros 

Damoulis; Connie H. Drisko; Joseph P. Fiorellini; Gary 

Greenstein; Vincent J. Iacono; Martha J. Somerman; Terry D. 

Rees; Angelo Mariotti, Consultant; Robert J. Genco, Consul-

tant; and Brian L. Mealey, Board Liaison.



Individual copies of this position paper may be obtained 

by accessing:  “http://www.perio.org”.  Members of the Amer- 

ican Academy of Periodontology have permission of the Aca- 

demy, as copyright holder, to reproduce up to 150 copies of 

this document for not-forprofit, educational purposes only. For 

information on reproduction of the document for any other 

use or distribution, please contact Rita Shafer at the Academy 

Central Office; voice: (312) 573-3221; fax: (312) 573-3225; or 

e-mail: rita@perio.org.

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