“Uzluksiz kasbiy rivojlantirish -2022” loyihasi
Fandagi yangiliklar, fanni o‘qitishning dolzarb masalalari modulining
“Til ko‘mikmalarini rivojlantirishning ilg‘or zamonaviy texnologiyalari “
o‘quv kursining
The effective ways of using authentic materials in teaching vocabulary
(Lug‘at boyligini oshirishda autentik materiallardan unumli foydalanish)
mavzusidan ma’ruza matni
Ma’ruzachi: Nilufar Kurbanova: Nilufar Kurbanova
Topic: The effective ways of using authentic materials in teaching vocabulary
1.The importance of vocabulary in language teaching and learning
2.What do research say about vocabulary and authenticity issues ?
3.Useful sources
4.Sample activities and lesson plans
Vocabulary is one of the essential aspects of learning English. Every day we say
thousands of words. To be able to communicate in English, vocabulary is needed
and it is important to improve and have a variety of vocabulary. Without sufficient
vocabulary, someone is difficult to communicate with others, express their ideas or
opinion, comprehend simple text, and listen to instruction. Without vocabulary,
there will be no language as Rosyidah and Giyoto (2018, p. 1) stated that
"Actually, vocabulary is the foundation to learn English and vocabulary is one of
the components of language, there is no language without vocabulary.” To develop
the students' English skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, students
need to have the vocabulary. As Viera (2018, p. 90) said that, “Vocabulary
knowledge is viewed as an essential tool for mastering any language skills; it also
contributes to the understanding of written and spoken texts.” Mastering
vocabulary is not easy for the students, especially for students whose English is
considered as a foreign language. According to Mthethwa (2018), the use of a
combination of text, sound, graphics, video, or animation to teach vocabulary is
becoming a common aspect of instructional practice in language learning. It will
make it easier for students to learn vocabulary in a fun way. Authentic materials
refer to pictures, photographs, video selection, and radio. It is an effective material
to be used in the teaching and learning process especially to improve students’
vocabulary mastery. Authentic material is the real things around the students’ life
that the teacher brings it into the class. So, learning English with authentic material
makes students familiar with the target language particularly in learning
vocabulary. Nuriyya (2018, p. 11) said that "By using authentic material students
deal with outside and real-world, they become interested when dealing with real
language.” She also claimed that authentic materials increase learners’ motivation
in learning vocabulary. The use of authentic material such as texts, songs, and
audio-visual materials in the teaching and learning process will make the lesson
more meaningful and successful for the language learners (Ruiz, 2015).
Technology has changed and affects many things and it includes the English
learning process. Zazulak (2016, p. 1) said that "Technology has gained a more
prominent place in classrooms in recent times and is of particular use to blended
teachers." The use of computers and technology is effective and helpful for
learners to learn English. According to Khiyabani, Ghonsooly and Ghabanchi
(2014, p. 2), “Computer technology, Internet and web-based resources are now in
many schools and offer teachers and learners vast resources and opportunities for
language teaching and learning. Maximum benefit from these resources can only
be achieved through teachers’ use of technology in developing materials for the
language classroom.” Based on the background above, the researcher is highly
motivated in enhancing students’ vocabulary mastery using authentic materials and
multimedia .
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