53 | How can I explore? There are many factors that you should be aware of which
may modify your research schedule. They can include;
suspensions of lessons
sick leave
school activities
change of school year calendar
natural disasters
waiting for school authorisation to carry out your
teacher training
difficulties finding a critical friend to observe you
teacher evaluations
We suggest that you try to keep your deadlines flexible
in order to allow for disruptions like the ones listed above.
If anything like that occurs, then you will need to use the
extra time you have prepared.
Task 5.9 Based on the list of actions and times provided above and
also considering your own research, your questions and
the kind of information that you need to collect, complete
the table below to design your own research schedule.
Things to do Time 1. Informing and asking permission from school, students and/or other relevant people.
1 week
2. Talking to colleagues who may be involved.
1 week
3. Planning dates and times for the data collection
1 week
4. Designing ways of collecting data (questionnaires, interviews questions, observation checklist,
reflection notebook, etc.)
2–3 weeks
5. Collecting data
4–6 weeks
6. Analysing and reflecting on the data you’ve collected.
2 weeks
Month 1 – Things to do Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Month 3 – Things to do