Grit - the solid mineral that
forms when fine crushing
grains with sharp edges.
Abraziv – maydalanganda
o‘tkir qirrali donalar hosil
qiladigan qattiq mineral.
Adgeziya − slipaniya raznorodnыx
tverdыx ili jidkix
soprikasayuщixsya svoimi
poverxnostyami, obuslovlennoe
Adhesion - adhesion of diverse
solid or liquid bodies in contact
with their surfaces, caused by
intermolecular interaction.
Adgeziya – bir-biriga tegib
turadigan (kontaktda bo‘lgan)
ikki turdagi qattiq yoki suyuq
jismlar yuzalarining yopishi.
Akvapanel − (sementnaya plita) –
listovoy material, sostoyaщiy iz
serdechnika na osnove
melkozernistogo keramzitobetona,
vse ploskosti kotorogo, krome
torsevыx kromok, armirovanы
Aqua panel - (cement board) -
the sheet material, consisting of
a core based on finegrained,
expanded clay lightweight
concrete all that the plane,
except for the end edges,
reinforced with fiberglass.
Akvapanel (sementli plita) –
yon tomonlaridan tashqari
hamma yuzalari shisha to‘r
bilan armaturalangan mayda
donali keramzitli beton
asosidagi o‘zakdan iborat listli
Aktivnыe mineralnыe dobavki (AMD) − Active mineral additives (AMD) -
Aktiv meneral qo‘shimchalar: Tabiiy
prirodnыe ili iskusstvennыe
veщestva, kotorыe v tonkomolotom
vide samostoyatelno ne tverdeyut;
pridayut vozdushnoy izvesti
sposobnost k tverdeniyu; pri
smeshivanii s portlandsementom
povыshayut stoykost sementnogo
kamnya v pressnыx i
mineralizovannыx vodax.
natural or artificial substance
that itself does not harden in the
form of mill ground; Air lime
give the ability to hardening;
when mixed with Portland
cement stone increases the
resistance in the press cake and
mineralized waters.
va sun’iy mayda tuyulgan
xolda qatmaydi. Xavoyi ohak
qotishiga yordam beradi.
Portlandsement qo‘shilganda
sement toshini chidamliligini