Abstract Nouns
Abstract Nouns are nouns which cannot be measured or identified using our 5 senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell).
Adventure Energy Childhood Gossip Patience
Wisdom Talent Trust Strength Power
Anger Distress Hate Love Peace Misery Worry
Pride Sympathy Sadness Surprise Longing Anxiety
Bravery Loyalty Honesty Courage Integrity
Brilliance Beauty Skill Determination Resistance
Truth Faith Knowledge Trust Culture Politics
What is an Abstract Noun?
Abstract nouns are the opposite of concrete nouns – nouns that refer to objects you can experience with your five senses. Abstract nouns are intangible. They can identify concepts, experiences, ideas, qualities, and feeling.
Examples of Abstract Nouns
In some cases, it’s a little difficult to recognize when a noun is abstract. Some nouns can function as verbs and abstract nouns are no exception.
For example, see how the word “fear” is used in the following two sentences.
I fear the night. (In this sentence, fear shows action so it’s a verb.)
The night was shrouded in fear. (In this sentence, fear is an abstract noun because you can’t physically touch, feel, hear, taste, smell, or see it.)
Abstract nouns
When somebody is really nasty, that person must be full of ………………………..
When something scary happens, I feel the…………………. inside of me.
When I am bored of studying, I feel the …………………… in my brain.
When I am sad about something, I feel ………………….. in my heart.
When it’s Friday, the whole class feels the ……………………
When a friend does something to help us, we know that there is ………………………….. .
Boredom friendship truth fear love excitement joy
misery unhappiness hatred pain stress hate panic
There’s a lot of these abstract nouns. The ones we’ve mentioned being by no means exhaustive. However, it should start you thinking about the power of abstract words and how to use them in your writing. But hopefully you won’t think too abstractly!
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