K: The teacher is aware of major areas of research on teaching and of resources available for professional learning (e.g. professional literature, colleagues, professional associations, professional development activities).
D: The teacher values critical thinking and self-directed learning as habits of mind.
D: The teacher is committed to reflection, assessment, and learning as an ongoing process.
D: The teacher is willing to give and receive help.
D: The teacher is committed to seeking out, developing, and continually refining practices that address the individual needs of students.
P: The teacher uses classroom observation, information about students, and research as sources for evaluating the outcomes of teaching and learning and as a basis for experimenting with, reflecting on, and revising practice.
P: The teacher seeks out professional literature, colleagues, and other resources to support his/her own development as a learner and a teacher.
P: The teacher draws upon professional colleagues within the school and other professional arenas as supports for reflection, problem-solving and new ideas, actively sharing experiences and seeking and giving feedback.