Activity 3.Grammar task Match the labels in the box and the sentences 1-12 below.
1. Present Simple 2. Present Perfect 3. Present Perfect Continuous 4. Past Perfect Continuous 5. Past Simple 6. Present Continuous 7. Past Perfect 8. Future Simple
9. Future Perfect 10. Future with 'going to' 11. Future Continuous 12.Past Continuous
Students are spending so much time on learning new words by heart. Present Continuous
2 .Sailors in the Mediterranean Sea used ‘lingua franca’ for interaction. Past Tense 3.They had researched the market carefully before they decided to open a new branch. PastPerfect Diamonds don’t have much intrinsic value and their priceprice mostly depends
on their scarcity. Present Simple
I think they will explain everything precisely. Future with ‘will’
Saodat was reading her favorite ‘Harry Potter’ when her brother interrupted.
Past Continuous I have figured out 51 English words while coming to the university. Present Perfect
The number of English speakers has been incresing recently.
Present Perfect Continuous Consequently, Umar w ill be lying on the beach with his family next week. Future Continuous
We had been confusing things for two days whent hey finally illuminated the difference. Past Perfect Continuous
In my article I’m going to run through some of the main points o f the matter. Future with ‘be going to’
Experts will surely have finished their work by the end of the next month.