Adequate translation is not about word-to-word translation

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Definition : as much or as good as necessary for some requirement or purpose; fully sufficient, suitable, or fit (often followed by to or for):

This car is adequate to our needs.They’ll provide adequate food for fifty people.

barely sufficient or suitable:Being adequate is not good enough.

What does the adequacy mean? How does it influence translation? Translation quality is determined with its adequacy or completeness. The adequacy stands for the correspondence of the target text to the source text, including the expressive means in translation.

Adequate translation is not about word-to-word translation or 'some translator's thoughts on the subject of the novel'. Fiction translation shows the balance between understanding and the language structure.

What does the adequacy mean? How does it influence translation? Translation quality is determined with its adequacy or completeness. The adequacy stands for the correspondence of the target text to the source text, including the expressive means in translation.

Translation equivalence does not mean that source and target texts are identical. It is a degree of similarity between source and target texts, measured on a certain level.

Viewed from the semiotic angle, the source and target texts can be identical pragmatically, semantically and structurally.

Every text should be equivalent to the source text pragmatically, which means that the both texts should have one and the same communicative function. The target text should have the same impact upon the receptor as the source text has.

Semantic identity implies describing the same situation, using similar lexical meaning of the units, and similar grammatical meaning of the elements.

+Structural similarity presupposes the closest possible formal correspondence between the source text and the target text.

Adequate translation is good translation, as it provides communication in full.

Equivalent translation is the translation providing the semantic identity of the target and source texts.

  • Equivalence” is regarded as semantic similarity of the S. and T. language and speech units.

  • Adequate translation - is the translation performed at the level sufficient and necessary to convey the information and preserve the norms of the TL.

In terms of degree of equivalence some scholars suggest the notion of full and partial equivalence. But we can rather speak of the degree of equivalence. 3 types of equivalence:

  • Formal (maximum similarity of words and grammatical forms in addition of similarity of meaning)

e.g. the sun disappeared behind the clouds – сонце зникло за хмарами.

  • Semantic (exists when the same meanings are expressed in source language and target language in different ways – segment lacks formal equivalence)

e.g. a drunken man was crossing the street – вулицею йшов якийсь п’яниця

  • Situational (is established between the utterances that differ not only in the linguistic devices but also in the semantic components and describe the same extralingual situation)

+e.g. the snow drifts were 3-feet deep – замети сягали метрової висоти.

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