Guliston 2012 G`aymnazarov G. «Algebra va sonlar nazariyasi» fanidan o`quv qo`llanma (o`quv-uslubiy majmua). Guliston 2012 y. bet.
GulDU o`quv-metodik Kengashining (2-sonli bayonnomasi, 26.10.2012 yil) yig`ilish qarori bilan chop etishga tavsiya etilgan.
Ushbu o`quv qo`llanma (o`quv-uslubiy majmua) hozirgi dastur asosida tayyorlangan bo`lib, 5460100-matematika va 5480100-amaliy matematika va informatika ta’lim yo`nalishi bo`yiha ta’lim olayotgan talabalar uchun mo`ljallangan. Bu o`quv-uslubiy majmuada: Chiziqli fazo, Evklid fazosi, kvadratik shakl (forma), chiziqli operatorlar, Jordan matrisalar, guruh mavzulari bayon etilgan. Har bir mavzuga doir amaliy mashg`ulotlar uchun masalalar berilgan. Nazorat va mustaqil topshiriqlar berilgan va mavzuga doir muammolar qayd etilgan.
O`quv uslubiy majmua O`zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va o`rta maxsus, kasb-hunar ta’limi o`quv-metodik birlashmalari faoliyatini muvofiqlashtirish Kengashi tomonidan (01-sonli bayonnoma 2011 yil 16 oktyabr) nashrga tavsiya etilgan.
Taqrizchilar: O`zMU professori, fizika-matematika fanlari doktori
G`anixo`jayev R.N. GulDU dotsenti, pedagogika fanlari nomzodi
Mirzayev Ch.E.
G.Gaymnazarov. Uchebnoe posobie (uchebno-metodicheskiy kompleks) po predmetu «Algebra i teoriya chisel». Gulistan-2012 g. str.
Uchenoe posobie (uchebno-metodicheskiy kompleks) podgotovlen na osnove deystvuyushem programmoy i prednaznachen dlya studentov obuchayuhixsya po spetsialnosti 5460100-matematika, 5480100-prikladnaya matematika i informatika.
V uchebnom-metodicheskom komplekse izlojeno’ temo’: lineynoe prostranstvo. Evklidovo prostranstvo, kvadraticheskie formo’, lineyno’e operatoro’, matritsa Jordana igruppa. Dlya kajdoy temo’ dano’ zadaniya dlya prakticheskix zanyatiy, ehyo privedeno’ kontrolnlno’x rabot po kajdoy teme, a takje privedeno’ nekotoro’e problemo’ k dannoy teme.
Rekomendovano k pechati postanovleniem uchebno-metodicheskim Sovetom pri Ministerstva vo’sshego i srednego-spetsialnogo obrazovaniya Respubliki Uzbekistana. (protokol №1.реьное пособие (у(i muvofiqlashtirish ot 16.10.2011 g.)
G.Gaymnazarov. Educational-methodical complex on algebra and theory of numerals. Gulistan-2010. p.
This educational-methodical complex is intended for the students on the speciality 5460100-mathematics, 5480100-applied mathematics and informatics.
This educational-methodical complex contains materials linear space, Evklid space, quadratical forms, linear operators, matrix Jordan and group.
It consics of themes on practical work. It is included methodical recommendations, the tasks on self independent work and problems on themes.
The collection has been recommendent by the Educational-methodical complex of Ministry high and average-special forming the Republic Uzbekistan. Minute №1, October 16. 2007.