1 Introduction
One of the best ways to overcome the energy crisis in the
use of traditional energy sources in the world today is to
increase the share of renewable energy sources in energy
production. The use of renewable energy sources takes
into account their types, the potential of the region, the
cost of energy produced and many other factors.
Hydropower has long been widely used to generate
electricity from renewable energy sources. The reason
for this is that the energy flows generated by water are
somewhat flat compared to other types of energy
sources. For example, a stream of water flows in a
straight line relative to a stream of wind. Another
effective aspect of the use of hydropower is the density
of water (the density of water flow is about 843 times
greater than the airflow).
One of the current problems in the use of micro-
hydropower in the country is the lack of production of
generators that operate efficiently at low speed water
flows. The production of these generators will play an
important role in increasing the share of water and wind
energy in our region.
A group of researchers studied wind speed data and
an analysis of the potential of wind energy in the
Bukhara region [1,2].
The values of specific power and
energy at different heights were determined by extra-
polarization. In 2016, it was found that the average wind
speed at the intersection of months was 3,404 m/s per
year, and the wind direction was mainly north. The
specific power values obtained from the wind current at
a height of 10 m using the Weibull distribution function
are given in months. The highest specific power in June
was 93,18 W/m2. Average annual power density 40,98
. The annual specific energy is 359,56 kWh/m
The average wind speed was 3,404 m/W/s at 10 m, 4,4
m/s at 50 m and 4,9 m/s at 100 m [3,4].
The study showed that for low-power consumers, the
use of low-speed electric generators could be effective
when using wind power plants at a height of up to 10 m.
In addition, most of the territory of republic is located on
plains and does not have large pressure streams.
Therefore, in many areas, the speed of water flows is
low, which requires the use of reduction devices in the
production of electricity from them. The use of
multipolar small-sized electrical generators plays an
important role in the efficient use of low-speed water
and wind power.
Due to the complex topology and high
dimensionality of the designs of various electrical
machines and power supply devices, computation of a
3D transient solution usually takes a huge amount of
time to reach a steady state, especially for devices with a
large electromagnetic time constant. Version 15.0
introduces a new algorithm that reduces simulation time
by at least five times. This option is available in transient
solvers using an external circuit connection. The new
AC_Model element modifies the currents in the
windings before the start of each period without
interrupting the calculation. ANSYS Maxwell is rapidly
evolving; high-performance solvers with high accuracy
and maximum speed calculate static, harmonic
electromagnetic and electric fields, as well as transients
in field problems. The user is provided with a huge
toolkit and a modern postprocessor for calculating and
optimizing electromechanical devices based on the
analysis of a virtual model. ANSYS Maxwell makes it
easy to work with electromechanical tasks [5, 6].
E3S Web of Conferences 288, 01057 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202128801057
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
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