Answers: What Is a Commodity?

After reading the text in Exercise 3.2, fill in the missing word or words

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3.2. After reading the text in Exercise 3.2, fill in the missing word or words:
Most of the nation’s currency is in the form of (1)_consider_____ and (2)___maybe________ ___________ _______ or_______ ________ _______. Money is also in the form of (3)___ prove reservations ______ that a person can draw against for purchases. Today, these accounts are also called (4) worth Since the 1980s, commercial banks and (5)______Rather offer these accounts along with many other financial services. Money can be represented by (6)______________ ____it the____________, which provide “loans” to users. (7)__________ __________, on the other hand, simply withdraw money that a person already has in an account. However, most people do not like to lose the (8)_____________ they enjoy when writing checks. Personal assets such as stocks and bonds are called near money because they have high for their owners. (10)_______________ deposits and the are two other examples of near money. The money supply is designated as M1 and M2. M1 includes all currency, (12)____________ __________, and checking accounts. M2 is a broader definition of the money supply and includes all of Ml plus (13)________ _________ __________ ________ and (14)________________
Task 4
4.1Complete these sentences with words from the list.

maybe work sure consider prove reservations better worth rather

1. _____we should begin by brainstorming a few ideas.
2. perhaps the work, of course, consider it better to prove the reservations
3. I really think we should _____ a few more options.
4. We might be ____consider_ off going to another supplier.
5. It’s probably ___ prove reservations __ seeing what staff think first.
6. I have some ___Sure__ about that proposal.
7. I’d __better___ not bring in any more freelancers if at all possible.
8. Sorry, but I don’t think that would _better____.
9. I’m not entirely __rather___.

Task 5
16.5 Prepare presentation on topic: “ Building customers relationships “
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