İnformasiya cəmiyyəti problemləri, 2020, №1, 83–95
Тamilla А. Bayramova
Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan
Analysis of software engineering standards
The development of software engineering requires the dynamism and innovation of the software
development process and the strengthening of its legal and economic foundations. To develop
high-quality software that meets customer requirements, its regulatory framework must be
regulated and standardized. There are hundreds of international standards covering software life
cycle processes. The article analyzes the software development standards and emphasizes the
importance of their application for quality management. Information is provided on the areas of
application of these standards and on the leading organizations developing the software
engineering standards. The classifications of the standards according to different characteristics of
the software are shown. Training of the professional software engineers is a priority. In the training
process, they must acquire a wide knowledge base and ability for the development, documentation,
life cycle management of software, personnel management, etc. In this regard, several educational
standards are developed by the international organizations. Based on the study of these standards,
the relevance of developing a curriculum in Azerbaijan based on the international standards and
the consideration of the peculiarities of the national education for the training of the professional
software engineers is emphasized. At the same time, the importance of training the existing basic
standards, profiles of standards and their application problems to students and specialists in
software engineering is shown.
In the end, it is recommended to develop and adopt the national standards for software engineering
in Azerbaijan, based on world experience in the development and implementation of standards.
Keywords: software engineering, standards, quality management, standards profiles, training
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